Are you (wo) man enough for the long haul?

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Count me in! Time for the mass to spread the word farther and wider.
Steven Lane has already made a sweet map for the Pilsen/Bridgeport/Chinatown that Howard made. Check out the CCM group discussions....Maybe next month?
I'd be up for this. Hegewisch is probably one of the most obscure Chicago neighborhoods, I'm guessing most CMers have never even heard of it. The only problem is I doubt most people would want to do what would amount to a 40-50 mile round trip. That said is there really anything wrong with a few people splitting off at some point and doing a longer route?
I'm game - and I did just shower so this means I am in...
More routes = more fun. It's good to see choices offered, rather than just one route and no crowd input. Any route not chosen can be offered for consideration again. . .

It'll be a Happy Friday wherever we go.
aww man my parents live there, im in
I know some folks at 130th & Carondolet -
hegewisch wouldn't get critical mass. simple enough.
^ that sounds like pushing a personal agenda. bikes are bikes, lets ride them without agenda.
I don't get it either Howie...maybe they think that wanting to ride to pride weekend is an agenda they can't accept. There are bigots who ride bikes too...unfortunately.
I still want to do a Sloppy Joe ride..."I'm only on this planet a short while longer" do we need to talk ho3ard?
i looked at the route and i would love to ride it but....
if this is suburban naiveties, but, ...let me know
does this ride go thru some dodgy neighborhoods??.


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