Hello all,
I wanted to let you know that we have worked with the 10th district CAPS office to coordinate a training on 03/26 at 6:30pm for individuals interested in becoming CAPS courtroom advocates to appear at the hearings related to the Hector Avalos fatal DUI crash from back in December.
3315 W Ogden Ave, Chicago, IL 60623
Courtroom advocates are a program that falls under CAPS and serve to bear witness to the legal proceedings relating to a case the community takes special interest in. They also serve as moral support for families and victims who must appear in court and to provide a visible reminder to the justice system that the public has a vested interest at stake in the case.Your name and contact info will be entered and become part of the court record as an advocate whenever you attend a hearing in this capacity.
If you are interested in becoming trained as an advocate for this case or know someone who is please share and rsvp to jason@activetrans.org.
Thank you.
Jason Jenkins
Education Specialist/ Crash Support Programs
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