Anyone else read  this article which was on the front page of the Transportation section of the Trib yesterday? 

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Or he gets the hose again.

Interesting article. Economically speaking, his ideas make perfect sense. I think it would be quite difficult to get his Ideas to work though.
I'm sure the folks that bought Chicago's parking meters from the city did their homework and knew the direction that parking was headed in major cities. I only wish the city wasnt so quick to sell them off and could even benefit from ideas like this. I have no doubt that the cost of Chicago's parking meters will sky rocket with the other cities that were mentioned but the city wont see the revenue because of our leader's short sightedness.
This article, in referencing Shoup's book, mentions the increase in automobile traffic congestion (and corresponding decrease in pedestrian, bike, and mass transit usage) caused by city zoning laws that require parking spaces for commercial and residential developments. This relates to the Chicago Reader cover story on Logan Square Kitchen from Oct. 7th:


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