Having trouble fitting exercise and commuting into your schedule? A solution is found!

SUV with built-in stationary bike: It’s like biking to work, except...

The takeaway here is that our existence is another world's satire.

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maybe it's what they're spending on gas, maybe it's just that their monthly CISCO systems bill is likely to be about what i pay in rent, but i am literally vomiting with rage right now. which makes it damnedably hard to type.

yeah i think it's cool that he's reading about proletarian revolt in the wall street journal in that pic

Not everyone is poor.

He must be a nice guy.

After all, he is giving his daughter a ride to school....

reminds me of something that I read in NY Times a while back about custom vans that the wealthy NYers are buying- think that they look something like this. Somehow the thought is that these vehicles are somehow less obnoxious than a limo, 

Rome is burning.

Duppie said:

He must be a nice guy.

After all, he is giving his daughter a ride to school....

Too bad the screen shot in pic #2 isn't a cycling sim.

Its also armored, has bullet traps and ballistic glass.  Maybe if you're life is that in danger you couldn't ride outside. 

That's a hilarious picture

h' said:

In case a little cross-training turns out to be necessary:


solutions for the 1%?

it's not easy being an international banker...

It's not that far off-the-wall though.

My wife does this "Super-Slow" thing and I've given it a try myself a few times.  Immediately after doing one of their workouts going down a flight of stairs is a bit on the unpleasant side -to say the least.  Too bad their gym is on the second floor. D'oh!!

If they had an escalator I'd seriously consider riding it back down and I'm not exactly an overly-fat out of shape slob.  I'm a transportation cyclist who rides just about every day.  But those Super-Slow torture-trainers know how to work every muscle in the group to exhaustion.  I wouldn't take an escalator up to their gym but taking one down would surely be an option I'd consider. 

JeffB said:

That's a hilarious picture

h' said:

In case a little cross-training turns out to be necessary:



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