Haven't registered yet for Bike the Drive?? Use this code to save $5!

When registering online, use the code JOU6E5 to save $5!

And, just in case that still doesn't bump it into your 'affordable' category:

First, consider the awesome factor of a car-free Lake Shore Drive... The shore path is pretty close, but what really does it for me is the sound. The collective vvvvvtt vvvvtt of thousands of bike tires versus the VRROOOM of CarsTrucksMotorcycles gets me every time. Oh yea - and no more being squeezed into one tiny path with babies and dogs and tourists - oh my!

Second, there's still volunteer options that can get you on the route! 6 hours of pre-event volunteering qualifies you for a comp registration. Folks with roadside bike repair knowledge can be Ride Marshals on event day. Good with kids?? Try the Reunion Team! There's always more

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Pre-event volunteer details are going out by email tomorrow for those interested in comp registration - keep an eye out!


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