Have you reserved a "Share the Road" license plate yet?

Last summer, Gov. Quinn signed a law for permanent "Share the Road" specialty license plates. The state will begin producing them when there are 1,500 reservations. We are currently more than 3/4 of the way there with 1,156 reservations!


If you own a car, this is the perfect way to show your bicycling pride as well as promote the "Share the Road" message! As a bonus, most of the additional fee for the plates will go to LIB for education of motorists and bicyclists.


Learn more about the plates and get the reservation form at http://www.bikelib.org/other-advocacy/license-plates/license-plate-....


As a part-time employee at LIB, I've been at many events such as Bike the Drive (where Julie was wonderfully kind to lend me her umbrella!). Those who have already signed up for the plates keep asking me when are they going to get their snazzy new plates. We just need 344 more! Please help us spread the word and consider signing up for a plate, if you have not already done so.

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Geez, and about time too.  In the spring when I got my form and sent it off they were predicting the first batch by mid-summer.  Well, six month later . . .

Ed said:

I just received an email from a bike club saying that there are 1,498 reservations for the plate. 

Only a couple more and they reach the 1,500 they need to produce them.

or just some black electrical tape...

Ordered mine.


Ed said:

I just received an email from a bike club saying that there are 1,498 reservations for the plate. 

Only a couple more and they reach the 1,500 they need to produce them.


LIB held a contest for the design of the plates. The phrase "Same Rights, Same Rules" was a requirement for the design. Under state law, a bicycle is considered a vehicle and bicyclists have all of the rights, privileges and obligations as drivers of motorized vehicles. The purpose of the plates is to promote the "Share the Road" theme. Funds generated from the plates will go to an education fund. I know that I have been yelled at before that I should be riding on the sidewalk, shouldn't be on the road, etc. I am excited to receive my plate to both promote sharing the road as well as to show I'm a cyclist when I'm driving as well as when I'm commuting by bike.




Gina Kenny
LCI# 2446
Program Manager
League of Illinois Bicyclists
(708) 334-2244
The League of Illinois Bicyclists is the statewide not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated making Illinois a land of safe and enjoyable bicycling for all; promoting bicycle access, education and safety.

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bikeLIB.


As of today on the website

"UPDATE (12-1-2011): We have reached the minimum 1500 reservations for the state to produce the plates!!! Due to a lengthy design approval and production process, we’re still looking at 5-6 months until plates are on cars. More details will be forthcoming, both here and in a postcard LIB will send (to those who sent their reservations through LIB)."

from the site:

Share the Road Plate Delivery Details

"Share the Road" Specialty License Plate(Updated March 15, 2012, per new info from Sec. of State)

The Secretary of State’s office has determined its next steps regarding the new “Share the Road” specialty plate for Illinois cars, vans, and light trucks.  The new plates are now scheduled to be sent in early May.

The 1500+ people who earlier submitted their reservation form and $17 fee will receive their plates first.  By the end of March, the State will send each a letter and form to complete their order, with a due date of completing the order by April 30.  This second part of the two-step purchase process costs $34 for random, four-digit numbers starting with 1001, or more for vanity and personalized plates.

After April 30, those who have not already reserved plates may purchase them online through the Secretary of State’s website, for the entire $51 (more for personalized and vanity) in one step.

The new plates will deliver a “Share the Road, Same Rights – Same Rules” message while raising funds for LIB’s motorist and bicyclist education efforts.  One such project is early development of innovative, online quiz-based “certifications” meant to more broadly deliver bike safety knowledge in schools, drivers’ education, and the general population.

LIB receives $17 of the first year’s $51 incremental cost for the plates and $20 of the additional $22 fee in renewing years.

We urge plate customers not to let thick license plate frames – such as those from car dealers – cover the plate design and message.  This can be done by not using any frames, or picking narrow frames – such as a new “Share the Road with Bicyclists – Same Rights, Same Rules” frame offered by LIB.

Hi, I was going to pass some of this info on to some non-Chainlinkers who I know (I'd get one myself but have been car-free for 20+ years).

The link that Andrew N provided (thanks Andrew) goes to the Secretary of State's official site but I can't where to find the "Share The Road - Same Rights, Same Rules" plate.

Does anyone have a link that will point to that choice? Thanks.


The "Share the Road" is not be an option on the Secretary of State's website yet. It will be listed on https://www.ilsos.gov/PickAPlateWeb/index1.html once production of the plates is complete. For now, I would direct people to our website at http://www.bikelib.org/other-advocacy/license-plates/license-plate-... for the most current info. on the plates. We also post updates on our websites home page at www.bikelib.org and on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/bikeLIB.


And, thanks to Andrew for posting the update for us!




Gina Kenny
LCI# 2446
Program Manager
League of Illinois Bicyclists
(708) 334-2244
The League of Illinois Bicyclists is the statewide not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated making Illinois a land of safe and enjoyable bicycling for all; promoting bicycle access, education and safety.

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bikeLIB.

Thanks Gina, I've passed that along.

The timing couldn't be better to order your 'Share the Road' plates hand-made by Blago. Except that Blago is checked in to a Federal jail. Bummer!


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