I have noticed that the Critical Mass list-serve is very dead as of late and that many of the discussions we would have had on the list are taking place on Ning. Has anyone else noticed this? It's a little annoying because ning doesn't send you replies but rather links you to Ning, less efficient. And as someone who has programmed aps for Ning and used to do back end development I just also mention how much I hate Ning as a platform. Terrible, terrible app.

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don't log out just close the window or go to another site when your done

Brendan said:
I quit the CCM list for the Chainlink a while ago. It's a lot easier to ignore all the personal drama and flame wars this way. And any useful information (events, etc.) are a lot easier to track on this website. I do agree that it's inefficient to login to read a reply, though.
I think they mean that you get an email telling you somebody replied to something, but then you have to actually go to the site to see the reply, as opposed to having it right there in the email you just got.

Davo said:
don't log out just close the window or go to another site when your done

Brendan said:
I quit the CCM list for the Chainlink a while ago. It's a lot easier to ignore all the personal drama and flame wars this way. And any useful information (events, etc.) are a lot easier to track on this website. I do agree that it's inefficient to login to read a reply, though.
Well beyond that a lot of people clear their cache. If you are a frequent cache clearer you cannot just visit the site and reply you'll have to authenticate first. Jomsocial has a plug that allows users to reply via email to the last post in the thread. But it's not perfect and is about as chaotic to follow as a list server but it does allow you to address the site in a mobile environment.
let's just have a virtual snowball fight and feel better (who wants to be the rolling target ???) he he he

Aaron Bussey said:
Easy Tony...I was simply implying that I don't see many others on here with such a great hatred of Ning due to the reasons Spencer describes. Didn't mean to 'speak' for you. Jeez
Ya'll couldn't hit me virtually either...!


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