Has any one used the free bike program in Quincy,IL?

I have a few days off next week and was planning on heading out to Quincy. I heard they have a free bike loaner program. Any one know about or have used this? I just dont feel like hauling my bike on Amtrak

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I'm from Quincy and I had no idea about this.
apperently there are 5 locations in the city where you can pick up bikes with a refundable 10dollar deposit

Jim Behymer said:
I'm from Quincy and I had no idea about this.
Makes me want to visit Quincy!

jen said:
apperently there are 5 locations in the city where you can pick up bikes with a refundable 10dollar deposit

Jim Behymer said:
I'm from Quincy and I had no idea about this.
I never heard they had a program,
if you did tried let me know, I'm very curious about it
I've been monitoring the programs in Europe and out on the east coast \
thanks, bye

Emanuele Bianchi said:
I never heard they had a program,
if you did tried let me know, I'm very curious about it
I've been monitoring the programs in Europe and out on the east coast \
thanks, bye


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