Hey Chainlink friends,

Hope you are ready to celebrate! We're rocking tons of Bike Commuter Stations this year and are giving away lots of free Caribou Coffee and goodies for bike commuters.

Some highlights include the Bike Away From Work party at ING Direct Cafe this Thursday and Mayor Daley's Bike to Work Day Rally on Friday (all day!).

Active Trans will have cool membership incentives at most of the stations, good time to join or renew!

Happy bike commuting,
Ethan, with Active Trans

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Anyone biking to work gets a free coffee and pastry at the ING DIRECT cafe, 21 E Chestnut Chicago. They are also collecting bikes to donate to Working Bikes, and a rep from Working bikes will be in every morning from 7-10 AM. You can ride a Blender Bike to make a smoothie and see how bike technology can be adapted for multiple uses in other countries to improve local economies.
oh, that's why there was so many more people out on the path today. good for them.
Chainlink will be at the REI Bike Commuter Station tomorrow morning!


Ethan, with Active Trans
One of our employees just asked me about recommendations on helmet. She and her sister who also works at our office want to start riding in the summer!!! Yippee!
And if you pass the Wells/Lincoln/Clark intersection on Wednesday between 6:30-9:00, come visit as well, it's right outside my office (and across from the Green City Market).
Oh, and thanks for the Goose Island seat cover. Very nice!
Tomorrow's gonna be a party at the Wells/Lincoln/Clark station across from the Green City Market from 6:30- 9:00 am. Just sayin....
Wonder if I will see anything on the lakeshore this week. I ride every day/all year. I did see a message on the path today reminding me of bike to work week. I wonder how many people do it for a week and then become hooked!!
Oh yes, Thursday is our big lakefront trail Bike Commuter Station day...we'll be at Fullerton and the Museum Campus handing out Caribou Coffee and goody bags...be sure to leave early tomorrow so you can stop by!

Also, tomorrow after work is the ING Direct Cafe Bike Away From Work party...how about a Goose Island beer, anyone??

Ethan, with Active Trans

PS: And there's still the Mayor Daley Bike to Work Day Rally Friday!


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