Hand out killer bike stickers at the Botanic Gardens on Saturday - people will like you

The gig - World Earth Day at Chicago Botanic Gardens this Saturday, 10:45 AM to 4 PM. Hand out stickers at the Trails for Illinois table when someone gives you an e-mail address for our newsletter list.

The deal - take a 2 hour shift and earn an invite on the GITy Up! brewery tour route recon (Illinois Prairie Path and Fox River Trail, starts & ends at Lunar Brewery in Villa Park) Friday, June 8, and a GITy Up! T-shirt.

Plus people will like you because you gave them a really cool sticker.

The thing to do next - let me know if you'd like to help. The offer's open to the first six people.

Yes, you can have a sticker.

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A couple of us will be riding up to the Glencoe Grand Prix and valeting peoples bikes.  Maybe we can combine forces and table at both events?  I'm going to do a shout out today and in tomorrow's newsletter for volunteers.

Maybe, Julie. Thanks! Just emailed you some details.

Nope! But what a cool way to finish our recon ride - they mesh well. 

Chris C said:

Are this pre-ride the same as the 2Bros Camping event?


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