congrats on the ride.
i had a similar thing happen to me on the FOS easter ride this year, but mine was (i think, mostly) caused by hastily installed 4degree cleats, and maybe it had something to do with overdoing it for my first big-ish ride of the year. it was like 68 miles or so, and similarly, it started hurting around mile 40-50- and by the time it got to the end of it all there was serious pain happening in my left knee, but not the right. weird..
anyway yeah, just under the kneecap.. straight was ok, but bent really sucked.
i should just say right now that i didnt see a doctor, nor am i one, so how it happened for me might not be what happens for you, so see a doctor- maybe..
healing up took a long time, the ride was in april(i think) and its only been a couple of weeks now that ive been pain free. the first thing i did was order some cleats with more float and made a bit of an adjustment. then i put that bike away and rode my commuter bike (had a triple crankset) in the little ring for any trip i had to make, spinning gingerly trying to keep any kind of strain off of the knee. it was a couple of weeks before i tried any kind of push, and it was minimal, if it even started to hurt, i laid off- except for the ride to critical mass at the end of april when i got caught in a 20 mph headwind on the way home which, i think, aggrivated it a little more.
like i said, it took a while to get better from it, and now i know better than to try and go big without any kind of preparation. the recovery had a little benefit too in that i have a little more discipline when it comes to riding within limits and i dont just go like a crazy monkey on speed anymore.
again congrats, and i hope you feel better soon.
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