I was hit by a car while riding a few months ago, so my wife and I decided to have a little fun with the incident by throwing together some makeshift costumes for a party over the weekend. 


We're expecting our first child in December, so we had to think of something to creatively work with the "baby bump" :)


(More photos from Halloween 2011: "Bad Driver Hits Cyclist" via our blog)

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Very creative! Too bad we have so many real-life incidents that we all can relate to it, but the costume idea is great. It's also great that you can find some humor after being in an accident.

I think it was a couple years ago on a ride where this guy decked his bike out to make it look like a car, similar to what you have done.  He had a tailpipe that he rigged up with some kind of smoke emitting device, a license plate that said "road rage", and he was riding around yelling hysterically.  I was laughing pretty good.  




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