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Are those supposed to be hypodermic needles? Brilliant.

I'm so over Lance, and pro cycling in general.
holy crap.
i worry about how this guy was able to get this close to the racers.

he could have seriously hurt those guys.
Just to play devil's advocate (and remember that I've completely fallen out of love with Lance and in fact can't stand him anymore--and I was an early fan, back in the Motorola days), isn't it kind of unsportsmanlike to shove Chubby there? I've never seen anyone push that crazy devil guy, Didi or whatever his name is. I wonder if the hypodermic gag hits too close to home...
"fans" running that close to the participants is a common sight... especially on the climbs. I think Lance handled it fine. that asshat deserved to get turfed into a snowbank, imo.
Love the guy's look of defiance in the last picture, as if to say "I'll get you some day! Yaargh!"
The devil doesn't taunt the riders like that. It wouldn't surprise me if he yelled encouragement while running along with the riders.

Pulling a stunt that's saying that someone (maybe everyone) is doping when they're busting their asses in a race is just an asshole move.

Natalie said:
Just to play devil's advocate (and remember that I've completely fallen out of love with Lance and in fact can't stand him anymore--and I was an early fan, back in the Motorola days), isn't it kind of unsportsmanlike to shove Chubby there? I've never seen anyone push that crazy devil guy, Didi or whatever his name is. I wonder if the hypodermic gag hits too close to home...
Jamie, what race and stage is that from?
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Jamie, what race and stage is that from?

It's from the Tour of California. I think the 2nd or 3rd stage.

Must be the 3rd stage. I don't remember seeing that on Versus coverage during the 2nd.
Yeah? What if that trident of his had gotten into someone's front wheel?

He's lucky he only got shoved. He could've brought down half the pack with that stunt -and if that'd've happened, he'd've got slit up a treat by those guys. Wotta tool...

St. Peter: "How'd you get here?"

Hypo-guy: "Crashed a buncha bike racers and got my arse beat..."

St. Peter: "You go to Hell."

Natalie said:
Just to play devil's advocate (and remember that I've completely fallen out of love with Lance and in fact can't stand him anymore--and I was an early fan, back in the Motorola days), isn't it kind of unsportsmanlike to shove Chubby there? I've never seen anyone push that crazy devil guy, Didi or whatever his name is. I wonder if the hypodermic gag hits too close to home...


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