Spring has sprung and it's time to build your self a dope ride to attract the ladies and nothing does that like a flashy paint job and flashy paint jobs require good prep so because I am dropping a frame off soon I am once again going to offer up a 'group buy' with my paint removal guy.

All actual work will be preformed by <a href="http://www.redistripco.com/">Redi Strip</a>, an established and reputable company I have been dealing with for years.

The stripping process is a chemical dip that will remove anything that is not steel, or aluminum, from your bike, this includes paint, rust, stickers, ant colonies and anything else you can think of.  It is safe for lugged frames as the braising is not affected.  There is a process safe for aluminum frames but it takes a little longer and costs a little more.

Does not harm threads, machined surfaces or anything else on the bike and completely strips the frames of any debris or rust inside and out.  One warning, this process may reveal issues with your frame you never new existed; I dipped a frame for Alex at West Town Bikes and when it came back the stays looked like swiss cheese due to having rusted from the inside out.  

The frame comes back so raw that it will flash rust in a few days so I suggest frame saving it AS SOON as you get it back.  Scotch-Brite or similar products make quick work of the outside flash rush before painting.

Cost depends on total number of units dipped but last time I did it five frames and forks where right around 25-30 dollars for a frame and fork but if we do nto get as many it may cost as much as 40-45 which is still a pretty good deal.

Frames must be DROPPED OFF to me COMPLETELY BARE OF COMPONENTS by 4/20/10, I am shuttling these things out to the 'burbs for nothing but the warm fuzzy feeling it gives me to help out my fellow man so don't expect me to go out of my way here...

Expected turn around time is about one week give or take a day or two.

I will pay Redi Strip in full when I pick up and you will need to pay me in full for your bike when you pick it up, no cash=no bike.

Contact me via e-mail at Haynes_dug@yahoo.com if interested, please put 'FAME DIP' in the subject line.

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im in
Opposite Sex ugh heteronormative much weooeooeooo
Sense of humor much?

I could have taken the time and made sure it was gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, height, weight and intelligence level neutral but I choose to leave it simple and humorous but I now see the error of my ways and have edited the original post to be sexist as well.

Not everything in life is serious.

Not everything is a slight at a specific group.

Now that I derailed my own thread sufficiently please grow a sense of humor or, at the very least, keep you political agenda out of a thread it has nothing to do with. If you really feel the need to ride me regarding my personal insensitivity please do it back channel as a courtesy to the people who have interest in the subject matter of the thread and not your personal crusade against heteronormilazation.

Peenworm Grubologist said:
Opposite Sex ugh heteronormative much weooeooeooo
It's cool, sorry if it was a bit dry, I was just funnin'


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