Green Machine Cycles, Chicago's premier cargo bike shop, is getting a face lift and wants your suggestions

Green Machine Cycles, Chicago's sustainability-focused cargo bike shop at 1634 Montrose, is renovating its space over the next few weeks and wants your suggestions on products, services, and amenities. What do you want to see at cargo bike central? Child carrying options? Handmade cycling goods? Women's workshops and gear? Cargo bike loading and riding lessons?

After a really productive and positive first few months of operations, the shop is scheduled to finish renovation by the last week of January, just in time for you to pick out your cargo cycling supplies for the warm weather. We are adding a bike wash big enough for cargo bikes, in addition to our full-service repair shop staffed by mechanics with decades of experience in repair, bike fit, and urban cycling. We already provide an inclusive, non-judgmental attitude, welcoming cyclists and non-cyclists of all backgrounds alike, but perhaps there are aspects of positive shop culture we've overlooked that you really want to see in Chicago.

We have made the commitment to utility cycling and sustainability like no other shop, with the intent to offer life-cycle assessments of all the products and services we sell, as well as the city's widest selection of cargo bikes. It's time to fully realize the great potential Chicago's flat topography offers to cargo cycling. 

Here's your chance to weigh in. Go!

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What do you pay for Zipcar rental?

Christine (5.0) said:

Yes yes.  I would even be up for some sort of... carbo bike time share?  I don't know how it would work, exactly, but I just realized this shop is less than two miles from my apartment and I want cargo bikes to do costco runs, but don't want to pay more than I would pay for a zipcar rental.

Tom Dworzanski said:

Cargo bike rentals.

Zipcar...there's an annual fee dependent on which "plan" you have. And then its around $10/hr. The hourly really depends on car and location but $10 is average.

Maybe you have a rental structure for 1/2 day or full day rental? The bigger question is deposit... most shops with rentals have a rather significant deposit.

I think it would be fair to pay more for an oddity like a cargo bike than a run-of-the-mill zipcar. There's no gas to put in it (OK I think zipcar actually pas the gas) and you don't have to pay to park it anywhere. Plus you'd be renting from a locally-owned small business rather than a big national corporation. Plus you'd be getting exercise and having fun. Plus you'd be helping out this little blue spinning ball.
That said, I can't imagine a cargo bike renting for much more than 10/hr, maybe with a three hour minimum. I rent out our flatbed trailer for 15/day. Maybe I should be charging more?

Off the cuff I was thinking $15/hr., and $55/day (24 hrs), with a deposit commensurate with the value of the bike. Until Divvy starts providing cargo bikes everywhere that seems a fair rate. It kind of depends on the bike as well. I'm not sure what people would be most interested in renting, but an Edgerunner is probably the most reasonable choice. Maybe a Bullitt would rent for a higher rate.

Handmade cycling goods, women's workshops (would be so nice to have this on the North side), Cargo bike rentals and a couch are things I would love seeing. Couch to hang out while waiting for repairs = great.

Self-cleaning station (could be small fee for use) or public/walk-up cleaning station?

Keep up what you're doing with the goal of sustainability, offering eco-friendy gear and products, and fostering an inclusive space and I'll keep coming (and because you're 3 blocks from my office)!

Trying to figure out a way to get the couch to fit in the store...

Or a bench outside for the nicer months. 

Ezra H. said:

Trying to figure out a way to get the couch to fit in the store...

I don't think I can legally place anything outside the store, unfortunately.


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