Green bike lanes and all painted pavement is extra slick when wet or icy!

I crashed and broke my nose the instant I hit a green bike lane yesterday! I also happen to be a very active bike advocate whose passion is commuting. I continually urge others to bike commute year round and have assisted in and conducted my own safe cycling workshops, always containing a bit about painted pavement (crosswalks, etc) being extra slick when wet.

I'll be back on my bike as soon as I'm no longer on pain pills! But for now - I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder to all you winter riders - Keep it up! But be extra careful for painted pavement - especially those green bike lanes!

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Hi Jody - I'm so sorry that you broke your nose!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery!
So, sorry Jody. I wish I would have been around yesterday. Hopefully that pretty face of yours didn't sustain any damage. Hope to see ya soon.
Sorry about the crash! Hope you're all right. Do they still use cocaine in the ER for broken nose? Just curious. My alley is solid ice, so I'm getting use to very careful ice negotiation.
Jody- If you want to borrow my car let me know! see you sat night!
Green bike lane?

I haven't come across any bike lanes that are marked with green. Where abouts were you riding?
RJB said:
Green bike lane?

I haven't come across any bike lanes that are marked with green. Where abouts were you riding?

I've seen a couple, but the only one that regularly see is on the southbound lane at Lincoln Ave and Webster. I've never slipped on it, but I also typically avoid it. It makes me think of that Chicago Marathon runner a couple of years ago who slipped on painted cement at the very end of the race.
Sorry about your crash, Jody. That is the suck.

I also wanted to add that one should be weary of wet metal bridges and sewer caps...that's probably a given but if you don't know now you know.

Oh, and in general watch out for the Lasalle bridge. In the middle there is a bit missing and one could easily endo via bike tire stuckage.
Crap. So sorry. I hope you're not in too much pain & discomfort.

It looks like Daley is spinning the ice as a 'poor job' unrelated to the massive cutbacks being made in snow removal. Regardless, Bilandic, the ghost of Mayor past might just spook him into spending the money.,daley-snow-removal-ch...

It may have been the conditions were ripe for ice, but it was EVERYWHERE, not just little side streets. I'm not crazy about salt, but the conditions were treacherous.
Interesting article. On my ride home from Evanston (3.7 miles), I had to walk my bike across an ice rink at Lakewood and Albion. Everything else on my ride home was salted except this section (even a car was having traction trouble behind me).

Hope you heal up fast Jody.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
Crap. So sorry. I hope you're not in too much pain & discomfort.

It looks like Daley is spinning the ice as a 'poor job' unrelated to the massive cutbacks being made in snow removal. Regardless, Bilandic, the ghost of Mayor past might just spook him into spending the money.,daley-snow-removal-ch...

It may have been the conditions were ripe for ice, but it was EVERYWHERE, not just little side streets. I'm not crazy about salt, but the conditions were treacherous.
Thanks - I feel a bit less like an air head for crashing, now that the ice is such a hot topic!!

What an odd quote they used, don't you think?

T.C. O'Rourke said:
Crap. So sorry. I hope you're not in too much pain & discomfort.

It looks like Daley is spinning the ice as a 'poor job' unrelated to the massive cutbacks being made in snow removal. Regardless, Bilandic, the ghost of Mayor past might just spook him into spending the money.,daley-snow-removal-ch...

It may have been the conditions were ripe for ice, but it was EVERYWHERE, not just little side streets. I'm not crazy about salt, but the conditions were treacherous.


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