Anyone know what kind of front rack this is?  Saw it on a walk to lunch and deeply admired the whole bike- very handsome. Complimenti.

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Not sure of the exact make or model of the rack on the pictured bike, but both Nitto and Velo Orange make a very similar-style mini front rack :;

A lot of times they are used to support the larger-size handlebar bags riders often use on randonneuring trips. I have also seen them used in conjunction with a wald wire basket zip-tied to it, which looks pretty sweet and useful in my opinion:
looks like a vintage swiss made pletscher rack!

you can buy one locally at Quick Release on Ashland.
That's a crazy deal. I've lusted after a Nitto for a bit to use with a zip-tied on small wald basket, but couldn't justify the steep price of the set up. Do you have any idea regarding how much weight it would hold? Not trying to do anything crazy, but I wonder if it can stand up to a six pack and a mini ulock or two on a pretty consistent basis?

jen said:

(Those fenders are pretty beautiful also!)

If you don't have a crowned fork Blue City has a cute little front rack ($26?) that attaches in the "normal" manner via the brake bolt and eyelets. It does not have the spring wire thingy, but I'm also pretty sure that it can hold a lot more weight than this Swiss thing.
Also the Soma Mini Front Rack is pretty cheap and strong. Sometimes Nashbar has black mini front racks for like $8.00
I just want to say I feel cruelly deceived by the fraudulent and misleading title of this thread; I was all set for some good old fashioned objectification.

I fear I may never trust again.

Mark, I will never trust you again and I have put in a complaint with the management to have you banned from the site and publicly flogged.
Does this help Doug?

I like a good double entendre. It's bawdy!

notoriousDUG said:
I just want to say I feel cruelly deceived by the fraudulent and misleading title of this thread; I was all set for some good old fashioned objectification.

I fear I may never trust again.

Mark, I will never trust you again and I have put in a complaint with the management to have you banned from the site and publicly flogged.
Holy crap, jen! This falls into the category of clip art for every occasion!

jen said:
Does this help Doug?

That picture disturbs me deeply.

It is upsetting to see something as wholesome and wonderful as boobs weaponized by the military industrial complex.

When will the madness end?

jen said:
Does this help Doug?


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