I was watching last week's Modern Family and cracking up over the scenes where Manny and Gloria learn how to ride bikes. Really great scenes.


Then today I just referenced the scene in Singles where the woman picks the guy to date who is a cyclist, goes out and buys all the gear and a new bike for their first date.


What are other great scenes in TV and movies of cycling? Not necessarily bike movies, but great bike scenes.


E.T. comes to mind, too. 

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I can't top Teen Witch.  Awesome.  But this is so bad its. . . still just bad. 

Awesome flick, but you have to follow the link - no embedding allowed!  



I admit it.  I googled "bike scene." Is that cheating?  Well, you'll forget all about that when you see John Candy on a trainer in a suit!  Hilarity ensues!  


Classic scene from a classic flick:

Despite working at the Durango Visitor's Center and giving people directions to the bridge that they jump off of in this movie, I've never seen it. Love this scene!

Sue Clark said:

Classic scene from a classic flick:

Not on youtube

There is a lovely long shot in Vicky Cristina Barcelona of Scarlett Johansson and Javier Bardem riding down a hill

Later in the film once  Penélope Cruz joins them there is a shorter bike shot

The greatest movie bike scene I've seen was Dave Stohler's training ride in the late Peter Yates' "Breaking Away" where Stohler was drafting a semi full of Cinzano vermouth outside Bloomington, IN.  it's hard to believe Dave got to 60 mph, but it's a great clip, nonetheless.  Yates also directed "Bullitt", which had one of the greatest car chase scenes of all time on the streets of San Francisco. 


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