has anyone ever ridding there bike to great america? im at work and dont really have time to look it up but it was on my mind so i figured id post it.

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about 2.5 hours from chicago
cool...i havnt been there in years...figure ill get some ppl together and roll up there some time this year..
joe said:
cool...i havnt been there in years...figure ill get some ppl together and roll up there some time this year..
The wife and I went there last year and had a great time. If ya go on their web site ya can get tickets at a reduced price. Also would anyone be interested in riding down to Indiana Beach?
i havnt been to indiana beach in along ass time either...so....yeah...id be down. just give me some time in between trip so my work dosnt get pissed off at me.

Chuck a Muck said:
joe said:
cool...i havnt been there in years...figure ill get some ppl together and roll up there some time this year..
The wife and I went there last year and had a great time. If ya go on their web site ya can get tickets at a reduced price. Also would anyone be interested in riding down to Indiana Beach?
joe said:
i havnt been to indiana beach in along ass time either...so....yeah...id be down. just give me some time in between trip so my work dosnt get pissed off at me.
Chuck a Muck said:
joe said:
cool...i havnt been there in years...figure ill get some ppl together and roll up there some time this year..
The wife and I went there last year and had a great time. If ya go on their web site ya can get tickets at a reduced price. Also would anyone be interested in riding down to Indiana Beach?
Indiana Beach is the Last of the family run amusement parks. They offer a lot of different options for camping. We went 2 years ago and were really surprised by the variety of roller coasters they offered.
It's about 120 miles to get there and would have to be a 4 day weekend commitment to do this. Also there is a big cat rescue called Great Cats of Indiana thats about 15 miles from Indiana Beach. They have tigers that weigh 1/2 a ton!
And remember "There's more than corn in Indiana"


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