Hi all!

I flew in last night and was wondering if anyone might have a bike I could borrow for tonight's mass? I have a helmet and lock and such. It's kind of last minute, but let me know if you can help out.

Sorry for the last minute request...I'm not very organized. I'm 5'8" and my bike is a 54cm. But I don't need anything exact.

Either way I'll be polka-ing it up tonight. See you there!

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Jamie, give me a call I can hook you up

you can borrow my Citizen folding bike, courtesy of Advil.

Thanks guys!! I sent you a message, michael since I didn't have your number, thank you, though!

Thanks to Julie I'll be heading down to the mass, headache free!
Jami - take some pics of you sporting the yellow folding bike!

BalloonBiker said:
Thanks guys!! I sent you a message, michael since I didn't have your number, thank you, though!

Thanks to Julie I'll be heading down to the mass, headache free!

Sorry it is kind of blurry, my Droid doesn't do dark very well.

Julie is one full service bike community web site provider! 

Julie Hochstadter said:

you can borrow my Citizen folding bike, courtesy of Advil.

ha!  Now that I have the folding bike, I am now have the ability to lend bikes  not just to people 5 foot 2 and under!

Tony Adams said:

Julie is one full service bike community web site provider! 

Julie Hochstadter said:

you can borrow my Citizen folding bike, courtesy of Advil.


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