After 6 years in Chicago I am moving away. Some of you will remember last time I "moved away" but this time I am going back to school so I won't be back in a month. I love Chicago and will eventually move back but for the next couple years I will be in Indianapolis.

Saturday 12/05
Haddon/California (my apartment)
Alleycat - 6pm ($5)
Party - 8pm

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Dude,where did you get those socks

I want a pair,but in a sequence of green
and black or gray and black

Are those stockings?....
indy sucks. i hate riding there.
Yes but this was the cheapest route for me to go back to school so I'll deal with it. Plus, I'll make the cars respect me.

joe said:
indy sucks. i hate riding there.
yeah----I grew up in Central Indiana.
Hoosiers are not the friendliest to us psycho/cyclo's

I am planning to attend - I live in Humboldt Park too !


Casey Cherry said:
Yes but this was the cheapest route for me to go back to school so I'll deal with it. Plus, I'll make the cars respect me.

joe said:
indy sucks. i hate riding there.
what part of indiana?
grant county (Marion was the county seat).

VERY small town (tiny in fact).

population was 1,800 IIRC

joe said:
what part of indiana?
I believe they were stockings. I think you can still get them at Target.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Dude,where did you get those socks

I want a pair,but in a sequence of green
and black or gray and black

Are those stockings?....


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