
You have a great thing here with the Chainlink. 

I hope the few don't end up ruining it for the many.

It doesn't take very long in any of the forum threads before …

I was going to go into a long explanation but it's just not worth it.

Thanks Julie, it's been (mostly) fun.

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I wrote a song about it...wanna hear it?... here it goes.
Find more videos like this on VloggerHeads

Boo. Sorry to see you go, Michael. 

It's hard to always have thick enough skin for digital age communications. Hoping we can all recognize when pushing too hard...


"The few" are an ever present minority on any internet forum... if you are going to run away because you disagree with someone, then you let "the few" win. Not that it should be about winning/losing but I see two options here: 1) you go away and take with you one voice 2) you stay and expect Julie to what, rule with an iron fist and censure anyone who isn't sensitive enough to someone else's feelings?

Just ignore the person you have a problem with and contribute when you feel like it. No need for a dramatic departure. 

LOL! I believe getting laid was only in the highest donation package!

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:


wait!!!! don't be hasty!!!

well... at least hang-out until the $15k upgrade kicks in! we're all gonna get laid!!!

no dug. don't!!
don't punish yourself.
i blame myself
We're sorry to see you go and hope that you will share your feedback with me when you feel ready.  Please get in touch via phone or email. Please note Im on my honeymoon until oct 2nd and better to communicate when I am back.

It's called a Flounce, and I agree it's not the best.  

But when you step in a pile of dug and it is all over your shoe and everywhere you go the stink and stench follows you around, fouling every thread on the CL you try and participate in, one's first instinct is to kick off the shoe and just abandon it -never looking back.  

I don't blame him. 

h' 1.0 said:


Drewbacca said:

 No need for a dramatic departure. 

thanks for the reminder; i knew there was something to remain hopeful about !

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:


wait!!!! don't be hasty!!!

well... at least hang-out until the $15k upgrade kicks in! we're all gonna get laid!!!

no dug. don't!!
don't punish yourself.
i blame myself

The chainlink calendar is a great resource. Is there a way to reconfigure my homescreen so the forum (and all it's distractions) is not on the frontpage?

I used to run a video game forum and people would post threads like this on an almost weekly basis. It's just attention-grapping and contributes nothing to the community.

A real, honest-to-goodness public goodbye on an Internet forum! I haven't seen one of these in months!

FYI, actually this isn't necessary. All you have to do is simply stop visiting here. At the very least, please refrain from posting periodically to let everyone know you're still gone.


Will said:

... please refrain from posting periodically to let everyone know you're still gone.


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