I was wondering what every one thought a good time on the lake shore path is. Its about 35 Miles if you do the whole path down and back. With all the tourists and beach goers there is some down time.

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Good time? You mean time-trailing down the lakefront path?
This is a troll, right? You shouldn't even be thinking about making time on the LFP during the busy season.
It would be great, but there's a bunch of rental 4-wheelers out today. And a bunch of rental cyclists. And a bunch of walkers and gawkers not paying attention. And a bunch of little kids darting about and parents not caring nor watching their demon spawn. And a bunch of douchebags trying to ride with no hands and some yacking on cell phones -- must be a guy thing. Oh, and everyone riding north is Lance Armstrong today.

I like south wind days like today; sit up and rock the headwinds and then coast home. It was a great day on the lake front anyway, provided one's not endangering everyone else trying to get their workout in within a 5 mile stretch of crowded pavement.
not really during the summer. you have to kind of expect area's where you'll have to chill out a little and just enjoy the people watching I guess. early morning's would probably be your best bet to be slowed down the least.
I don't know about time trialing the thing, but if I'm using it to get from one place to another during the busy season I usually figure I'll have an effective speed of ~13 mph and budget my time accordingly.
I guess I misunderstood what the OP meant by "good time." I suppose this is what happens when one traverses the day without a cocktail.
He has plenty of time to elaborate. Ball's in your court Patrick.

Craig S. said:
I guess I misunderstood what the OP meant by "good time." I suppose this is what happens when one traverses the day without a cocktail.
I usually do the LFP early , right at dawn here is wend morning's ride, it was pretty windy, the first half was straight into a 15-20 mph wind, with gusts 25-30

I did the damn thing in just under two hours with out hitting any tourists (no bonus points). Though I think next time I might need to do like Craig S. and booze cruise while taking my time...
that makes me want to buy/lie/steal/cheat my way to getting a Garmin

Michael A said:
I usually do the LFP early , right at dawn here is wend morning's ride, it was pretty windy, the first half was straight into a 15-20 mph wind, with gusts 25-30

That's quite the elevation gain!

Michael A said:
I usually do the LFP early , right at dawn here is wend morning's ride, it was pretty windy, the first half was straight into a 15-20 mph wind, with gusts 25-30

they do not call us flatlanders for nothing I went out west today to find some hills



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