On Friday, IDOT announced $90 million in grants going toward bike, walk and streetscape projects.

We blogged about it and some of the projects are mentioned in today's Sun-Times.

A great highlight is that CDOT won a grant to put in a cycle track (separated bike lane) on Stony Island!

Chicagoland alone will get approximately $45 million of the total and some major trail projects are getting significant funding, including the Veterans Memorial Trail and Calumet-Sag Trail.

Good news, for sure!

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

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The Skokie project is streetscaping on Oakton and the Lincolnwood project is bike plan lining (marking/striping) and signing.

The Sauganash Trail that you refer to is not on the list of projects that received funding.

The full list of projects is here: http://www.dot.il.gov/press/10%2029%2010_ITEP_Funding_RELEASE.pdf

Thanks, Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

Jared said:
The blog briefly made mention of Skokie/Lincolnwood. Are they going to extend the trail that currently ends at Devon in Sauganash?

Jennifer said:
So the Rt 66 bike trail is going to be an actual trail now?

Eventually. It's a lot this trail going a few blocks and the route 66 trail extends 4 miles or so out of Bloomington/Normal.

Secondly could we use some of the money or get funding to turn Bloomingdale into a trail?


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