from the Trib, includes a survey residents can fill out.

Marc and Rose Southard, Glen Ellyn residents, map out their bike and walking paths in the village at a recent open house. (Quan Truong, Chicago Tribune / February 10, 2014)

Philip Hackman (a Chainlinker) taught his children how to ride bikes in the city of Chicago, where he was a cyclist for many years.

But, he said, it has been difficult to maintain the same lifestyle since moving to the suburbs.

"Since we moved here, they've biked less. I find that I'm more scared here than in the city," the Glen Ellyn resident said. "This is a car-centric community. I get honked at."

Hackman was one of the residents who showed up at a recent open house at Glen Ellyn's civic center, interested in ways to make the village an easier place to walk and bike.

Read entire article here

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thanks for posting, Julie. Forwarded it to two coworkers who live in Glen Ellyn. They had not heard of it.

Glad to jump in on the discussion finally. We're the folks tasked with heading up the plan making process and producing the first draft of the plan. Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the public open house kickoff. To keep engaging with the process, like our Facebook page at

And, of course, keep posting content here, as we hope to engage with you through the venerable Chainlink, as well!

Safe?? What's this safe thing you speak of?
Route 53 is the start of my ride. 
I either become a hermit and stay home. 
Or I choose to ride among the cars and let them know I exist.
I've done this along Park blvd as well.
It's all about how offensive and defensive you ride. 
Sometimes it is easier to ride on the streets than the trails.
Joggers don't pay attention. Cars for the most part pay more attention.

@Julie, thanks for sharing. I took their survey and liked them on FB. 

It would be nice to have some better routes into G.E. as I tend to only visit shops there via car. I have some N-S alternatives to the SaltCreek trailway but none of them take me through the heart of G.E. IF there was a better option, I'd take it just for the change of scenery once in a while.

A suggestion to anyone in the area, stop by the G.E. Schwinn shop if you have the chance, the founder doesn't have much time left but is more than happy to share stories of his time in Europe during WWII. I also really dig the Caribou Coffee on Roosevelt. Great town!

I ride throughout DuPage and live in Glen Ellyn. I feel the least safe riding on Route 53. Route 53 needs a bike lane or a solid shoulder where one can ride safely. There was no consideration given to bikes when the road was repaired last year. 


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