What do you guys think about this? As reported in Gothamist:

"Hmm, where have we seen white bikes like this one before? Oh yeah, they're locked up in cities across America to mark locations where cyclists were fatally run over. Nothing like the memory of blood-stained asphalt to make you want to run out and buy a pretty white dress. In a boneheaded move reminiscent of DKNY's failed fashion week bike-vertising, Macy's is now utilizing what appear to be replicas of the sadly familiar Ghost Bikes in their flagship store, as part of an adorable little display called "My Funny Valentine."

But one mortified reader tells us the display should be renamed "My Bloody Valentine," and says there are at least four of them spaced throughout the main floor: "Totally creepy... how tone deaf can you get?" But let's not rush to judgment; perhaps the Macy's Herald Square location is a heretofore unknown death trap for cyclists, and this is their way of paying respect? A spokesperson for Ghost Bikes says:

Clearly, the message of the Ghost Bike Project resonates with residents in NYC, both cyclist and non-cyclist, as evidenced by the public reaction to the DKNY Orange Bike campaign and now this kinda creepy Macy's Valentines display. This display will be down within a week, but the real question for us is, will we still have to make ghost bikes in five years? The answer lies in the efforts of city officials and the actions of the people of NYC. And hopefully Macy's plans on donating that bike to the project.

Elina Kazan, director of marketing for Macy's, has the following explanation: "Bicycles are not a new element in visual presentations especially during the spring season. The spray painted bicycle your reader is referring to is one of many elements that make up our current visual display in store and in the windows that have been painted white. Our spring campaign showcases scenes of the season via color blocking, in this instance white. Unfortunately, your reader is drawing an unintended association from a visual display in our store."

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It is always money to these folks, business as usual. Good reason not to shop at Macy's. The way the current state of affairs is, they may be going out of business like a lot of stores. Everyone is going to be riding bikes with all of the people getting pink slips.
I'm sure they're not using it as a ghost bike, to them its probably a white bike. Ghost bikes (which I frankly oppose, that's a perfectly good bike that could be fixed up for a less privileged person) are familiar to us because we ride, and people make a point of chaining them up. Most people don't even realize what they're for.

And it is money to them, that's what businesses do! A person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern. When did that become such a bad thing?!?!
There's a spokesperson for Ghost Bikes?
oh marketing marketers, you see something that catches your eye effectively, decide to take it, and use it for well...marketing.

nevermind the weight of that symbol in it's original context. just nevermind that.
looks good, and sells. B-S!

in addition...
Jon said:
And it is money to them, that's what businesses do! A person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern. When did that become such a bad thing?!?!

We could say "it depends" but I'm more inclinesd to exclaim: When?! Seriously? I mean...really?
Sorry, that's personal politics, but keeping the Macy's marketing regurgitation of the Ghost Bike image in mind, I go with the above reaction.
I shop at flea markets, garage sales dollar stores and thrift stores...
What is this Macys y'all are talking about?
Aw, c'mon... you know Macy's. They have the readily-accessible public restrooms when you're downtown. The 3rd floor. Remember?

Chuck a Muck said:
I shop at flea markets, garage sales dollar stores and thrift stores...
What is this Macys y'all are talking about?
On closer inspection of said offending bike, how dare they ruin an awesome mid 50's Schwinn!!!
Garbage!!! That bike is an abomination, unless you could fit a keg in the middle...
All white Bike=Bad juju!!!

travesty said:
Chuck who says they HAD to ruin the schwinn?? Maybe it was already flawed.
Here is marketing for a cycling machine, that takes the same sort of charming approach. the conference bike, man I wish I could afford one (12K last time I checked) Why does ny and BOSTON get one but not us? Entrepreneurship I guess. ..
This lady is so full of it. It just makes me what to throw-up & I don't drink. Maybe you should tell them to put the family members in that display.
Alright, point taken on the assembly part, understood.

I'm originally from the New York City area, I've spent a lot of time in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island. I live on the North Side now. I personally don't think a lot of people know that a white bike chained up is a ghost bike, a lot of folks think it's just a random locked vehicle. I've come to this conclusion by pointing them out as I'm going by them (the closest one to me is at the damen, irving park, lincoln intersection) to friends, and they either give a grunt of apathy or don't even notice it.

From my experience, outside of either the cycling community or the artist community, they aren't terribly significant.

h3 said:
Jon said:
I'm sure they're not using it as a ghost bike, to them its probably a white bike. Ghost bikes (which I frankly oppose, that's a perfectly good bike that could be fixed up for a less privileged person) are familiar to us because we ride, and people make a point of chaining them up. Most people don't even realize what they're for.

And it is money to them, that's what businesses do! A person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern. When did that become such a bad thing?!?!

Hey Jon,
In Chicago we assemble bikes out of junk parts for ghost bikes, and people have put a lot of effort into clear and concise signage for them-- everyone who sees them knows what they are.
What part of the country are you in? Just curious.


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