another round of snow, and another round of ghettosledding in Humboldt Park.


improvised sleds are highly encouraged...rubbermaid bins, cookie sheets, home made snowboards/skis, whatever your heart desires or mind can come up with. we have a few cheepo sleds kickin around that work just fine as well.

time 5pm

The hill is at Kedzie and Hirsch

new event posted...

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time? i don't wake up till about 1
seems like 4ish is the consensus thus far

Dan Townsend said:
time? i don't wake up till about 1
What about 6pm?
i am going to say everyone come around 6 pm... only one person said 4 so far and a couple peeps would like to come later in the evening and then hang out after... so post for 6 pm please erick :)

Amber K said:
What about 6pm?
Happiest and Most Prosperous New Year to All!

(just sayin' - not wanting to be a nit-picking, curmudgeon but . . . we are in the 3rd millenium c.e.)

Chicago's South Side Bike Ride from Aaron Bussey on Vimeo.

I am here on Sat and am looking for ya'll to show us up!
aaron, thanks for reminding me of Body Count.

michael, im finding out its not the second decade yet either. oh well, i like the title too much, till i think of another. anyone got any ideas to add to the confusion...?

maybe 'sex with your mother'?
i wish i didn't have work. used a wreath box recently as a sled. worked pretty darn well.

Brian Kennedy said:
iggi said:
maybe 'sex with your mother'?

She's in a coma.
I hope we get snow so ya;ll can do this!
You think the snow will bring her out of the coma?

Gabe said:
I hope we get snow so ya;ll can do this!
so no new snow...but the hill is still completely we still on. its a tad brisk out there...i know. bring the layers!!


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