So I'm getting off the grid, or at least trying to. I've become fed up with the US dependence on Oil, Coal, Hydro-electric and anything else that we "need" in this world.

The post says it all. If anyone out there has any ideas or ways to help, let me know!


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I am almost totally there ... It has pros and cons. Usually a symptom of too much drinking.
First, pay cash...I mean CASH..debit cards and checks are NOT cash....use a pre paid cell phone only, never use your own internet connection.

Never shop at stores that use discount cards for your grocery....

And never I mean NEVER EVER post your pic and use your real name
Going on the lam, eh?
Running on veggie oil is going to cost you around a grand to 1500 even if you source our the kit yourself by the time you get decent tanks provided you want to have a reliable and easy to use system.
I get paid to live where I am, and I do have a reasonable and decent place. Saves=$800 per month.

Nathaniel D. Buckner said:
yep. I'm over it. :D I already do most of my transactions in Cash. Mostly, I want to get rid of the idea that it costs a bunch of money to live ones life.
Cash is always king.

People don't realize that it costs the store a couple of % to accept plastic you can talk about getting better prices if you pay cash in mom and pop stores for your major purchases.

And if you pay cash you don't pay fees for the credit card and so on, it does cut down your costs.

Nathaniel D. Buckner said:
yep. I'm over it. :D I already do most of my transactions in Cash. Mostly, I want to get rid of the idea that it costs a bunch of money to live ones life.
It also should go without saying that you should never procure large amounts of fertilizer from just one source. Break it up into smaller purchases from several different sources as to not arouse suspicion.

Rick norris said:
First, pay cash...I mean CASH..debit cards and checks are NOT cash....use a pre paid cell phone only, never use your own internet connection.

Never shop at stores that use discount cards for your grocery....

And never I mean NEVER EVER post your pic and use your real name
why do you need a van? You could build your own shelter?
I want to know what happened to the body. (There must be one involved here.)

Michael Perz said:
It also should go without saying that you should never procure large amounts of fertilizer from just one source. Break it up into smaller purchases from several different sources as to not arouse suspicion.

Rick norris said:
First, pay cash...I mean CASH..debit cards and checks are NOT cash....use a pre paid cell phone only, never use your own internet connection.

Never shop at stores that use discount cards for your grocery....

And never I mean NEVER EVER post your pic and use your real name
did you get the idea from this guy?:
i saw a video/interview with him last year that was pretty interesting which i can't find.
this is another news story, albiet a shorter piece:

also, check out trailer living ideas at
there is also a video of a woman moving her trailer home around to avoid police tickets in one of the videos:

also, many diesel engines don't need a kit to run on biodiesel. the only reason for a kit, to my understanding, is for cold-weather climates where the biodiesel needs to warm up to prevent congealed fuel going into the engine. check out:
there's also a local biodiesel co-op in chicago:
i went to thier fair a couple years ago when i owned a car (a diesel) looking into biodiesel.
loyola has a guy who converts veggie oil to fuel, and there's a science teacher somewhere in chicago who converts his school's cafeteria veggie oil to fuel, both with the help of their students.

do it. my goal is to build a house on discarded materials.
Wish I had some where to point you when it came to a new van, but I don't at the moment. Good luck on the van-dwelling though. Iv lived an amazing 2 years in a van in and around the Chicago area. That is up until I killed it (oops).

One idea is turning a typical unleaded gas van into a diesel. Obviously it would take some work and money but its possible all the same. all the same, learning to hypermile you can greatly reduce the amount of reliance on fuel by increasing your MPG. small increases make big differences in the long run. I got my old chevy G20 from 16mpg to 19mpg, and that was before I really had a chance to try some more serious gas saving methods.

not sure what ideas you have going on or ur sources, but I have a ton of both. if you are interested send me a message :-) Always great to talk to fellow van dwelling folk.
FYI: Cheapest diesel engine out there is the GM 6.2L and it is veggie oil friendly and came in vans.


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