this is a crazy notion, i know, but ive been, for some time, considering getting a bus. i dont need a bus for regular use, but its nice to have for group rides, excursions, etc. seems that plenty of bike clubs have one available.

im wondering if there are enough people that might be interested in goin in together on a short bus, around 30 capacity, around $3000. maybe 5 or 6 partners?



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I would be interested, as well, depending on money and other details!

he details - 5 or 6 person group. limit at $3000. $500-$600 each. parked at ft awesome (or elsewhere if someone has something better. email list reservation system. all drivers named on insurance. maintenance split equally unless caused by fault, gas usage per user with minimum level of gas in tank at end of each use. will have the most bad ass paintjob in town.

I'm in!

it would be easier if it was in one name, with a written contract amongst owners. otherwise, an llc would need to be formed.  if one person wants to leave, he just needs to "sell his/her seat".  we can determine if there will be any appreciation/depreciation over time of ownership, commensurate with any upgrades, etc.  i can call and ask about insurance using info on one of the 30 seaters this weekend.

i have 4 confirmed yes's...


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