We've got a full group of cyclists/rollerbladers at this point -- thanks to all who have volunteered/shown interest. If anyone really wants to participate, contact me through Chainlink.


I'm looking for people to ride with the Active Transportation Alliance group in the Gay Pride Parade. The parade will be held on Sunday, June 28, in Lakeview in Chicago, starting a bit before noon.

I'm an Active Transportation volunteer, and have worked with the folks at Active Trans to pull this together at the last minute. We can't have a huge group (per the parade organizers), but I would like to make a good showing.

If you're an Active Transportation member, that'd be great but it's not a requirement. It's also not a requirement that anyone who particiates identify as a part of the LGBT community, but I do ask that anyone who participates be supportive of the community. There's also a list of parade rules and participants need to agree to those.

I don't have full details yet (as I said...it's last minute)...but I'll keep people informed as I know things. The parade starts at noon, so we'll need to meet up before that. What time things end partially depends on where we end up in the line-up.

My goal is to get a group that represents Active Transportation and have a ride that's a little different, and a lot of fun. Please get in contact if you're interested, have questions, whatever. Thanks!

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Hey Aaron - we're going to try to get an idea of who we'll have in advance, rather than having people just show up. Anyway, this is just a quick note. There'll be more info forthcoming for all who are interested.

I'm closing this discussion...we'll start fresh on a current year thread once that's ready to go.

Aaron Bussey said:
I'm up for more ass smacking this year. Last year I just showed up on Halsted - same as that for this year?


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