Would welcome any initiative to create a new one.

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Bike: Where do you usually get ghost bikes? For Isai's bike, do we need to find/build a new chopper or will another welding/paint job work? Do we need to get a new bike for Alicia? Does Neill have a bike?

An attempt was already made once to weld the chopper together and it broke again on the way to being reinstalled-- has been sitting there like that for the last few years with electrical wire and a bungee holding the fork and frame together. The front wheel is mangled. it could be reused but someone would have to commit to fairly extensive work.

The best way to make a ghost bike is to weld together useless parts, and then weld anything that moves to reduce temptation for theft.  WBC has been a usual part source, but people have donated bikes for use as ghost bikes as well.

Sign: What are they made of/where do you get the materials?

This has varied. The most recent signs have been made of wood; past signs were mostly sheet metal. Whatever the person making the sign wants to use

Sign Paint: What store/brand/price of white and black paint is typically used? (I'm guessing spray paint isn't used for the sign lettering and that it is less expensive to paint the sign white with a brush.)

The background can be the same spray paint used for bikes, or a glossy trim/exterior type bright white can be brushed/rolled on. Latex is fine, does not need to be oil-based. There's no real convention for sign lettering paint.

Bike Paint: A trip to the suburbs is required for white spray paint, correct? What store/brand/price holds up best?

Suburbs.  Although some hardware stores do sell spray paint in the city.

I will have to note the names next time I'm at a store, so can only say the name brand is expensive but one can will cover a bike, the $1 stuff takes three cans and doesn't look as good, and there's been an intermediate more recently that's almost as good as the expensive stuff. There's no real convention for sign lettering paint.

Chain/Lock to secure bike: What size chain (thickness and length) works best? Which store/price is typically used? What kind of lock is used to secure the chain?

The heaviest you can afford. At least 4 feet length to go around sign posts. Ends up being at least $4/foot.

The largest diameter bolt that will fit through that chain is recommended, with a lock-nut.  After putting the nut on you can use a vise grips to try to jack up the exposed threads.

Plastic Flowers: How many per bike? What kind of store carries plastic flowers? (I'm guessing silk flowers get really gross really fast being outdoors.)

No convention.  Dollar stores in latin neighborhoods are probably your best bet for purchase.

Personally I'm not too crazy about them as they make repainting (touching up) a bike difficult (I end up painting the flowers white too unless they're pretty new.)

$ Donations: For people who can only donate money, is there a PayPal or Dwolla set up or a contact person/address for a check?

No, but there should be.


A very important consideration not included above: what to lock to.

CTA signposts: Bike will not last a week

City sign posts: Also quick removal

City bike rack: Will generate complaints from cyclists and city bike program will immediately start receiving abandoned bike removal requests. Also bike racks tend to be dug up and moved around constantly.

City Light Pole:  Usually best option if not either so close to corner that bike hangs over, or in front of hostile business or hostile church.

I put this info here so it might be found again if needed:

No, thank you. Some things it looks like I skipped:

Alicia's bike-- someone who said they knew her just contacted me about wanting to maintain one-- will try to find that when I can.

Someone may want to confirm that it's gone, as I didn't have time to stop and search (several instances in the past of GBs being mysteriously but carefully relocated.)

Bike for Neill: One was prepared but it's possible friends/family may want to make their own, just waiting to hear after the services are done with, so nothing to do there.

I guess abyone who wants to partake of Ghost Bike donations should write to Todd Gee as he's treasurer of Break the Gridlock. 



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