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I can definitely wait!

Serge Lubomudrov said:


I missed that ride, too. We went there with Carol last Sunday, but by train and bus.

Will join you (if you're willing to wait) when I'm back to Chicago from vacation.

The warm weather has inspired me. Would there be any interest in a ride to the Lake Bluff Brewery with a stop at the Botanic Garden next month?

Honesty I don't think I am fit enough yet for a longer ride. I will not be offended if a group split off after LBB to go somewhere else.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

I don't see why not. I would prefer to combine LBB with something other brewery on a ride, but that should not stop prevent you from putting an event together and posting it on the CBES page :)

Peckish Pig brewpub has recently opened up in Evanston...

I just posted the first ride in a #Brewvet series for the Naperville Bike Club, but anyone's welcome to join. We're starting this coming Saturday (5/10) with a short ride to Solemn Oath:

Time: 12:00 pm
Date: May 10, 2014
Ride Start: Trader Joe's Naperville Parking Lot
Ride Name: 2014 #Brewvet Ride 1 - Solemn Oath
Miles: 11
Pace: Moderate - Fast
Location Map:
Ride Leader: Tom Nawara
Phone: 630.710.7143
Additional Information: The #Brewvet challenge goes like this: Do 8 different rides, to 8 different places, to enjoy 8 different brews (that are preferably craft brews), with all 8 rides totaling at least 40 miles. All this needs to be done between May 1st to June 10th 2014.

More #Brewvet information:


I have several other #Brewvet rides mapped out and will get them posted soon. Potential rides include:
Chicago Brew Werks (Plainfield)
HopVine (Aurora)
Penrose Brewing (Geneva)
Two Brothers Tap House (Warrenville)
Two Brothers Roundhouse (Aurora)
Urban Legend Brewery (Westmont)
World of Beer (Naperville)

- Tom | 630.710.7143 | @tnawara

Wouldn't be able to make it Sunday. I'll be at a fellow CBES'ers BBQ! 

I would be 50/50 for a Monday ride. 

Serge Lubomudrov said:

The weather is promising (knocking on wood) to be great this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. After riding to the 3FFF and other places Saturday, I'd like to use the favorable conditions to pedal somewhere else Sunday and, perhaps, Monday also.

So . . . I've contacted the Imperial Oak, which had their "soft" opening last Friday. They said there is 90% chance they will be opened this Sunday.

I've also asked (no answer yet) whether The Benjamin Beer Company in Paddock Lake, WI can give me a sneak preview (they will not be opened until July). In case of a positive response, I might go on a pre-ride there.

I don't want to post it as an official event. If someone (or some-two or -three) wants to join me, let me know.

That is true but I will be busy Sunday during the day.

Ok I can definitely do a ride on Monday. Wind forecast is from the south and I'm itching to ride the Des Plaines River Trail.  It's my favorite trail and it just so happens to go most of the way to Paddock Lake WI. About 70 miles via this route.  It's about 17-18 miles back to Round Lake Metra. A few miles further than to Kenosha but the train schedule is much better. 

If you can't get the sneak preview then we could ride the trail to Firkin for lunch and then head to Tighthead. We could ride back to the city from there or take Metra.  

What do you think Serge?  

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Oh, I've almost forgotten . . . I think, though, that the party and the iOak are not mutually exclusive ;)

All good Serge. Looking forward to those growlers! 

Well I'm still going to ride the DPRT this Monday up to Tighthead. If anyone else is interested in joining then just shoot me a message! 

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Gee . . . Sorry, Rich! Can't do Monday, after all. I'm checking with the brewer, maybe the 8th (don't have the answer yet). But you're right: even if they are not there, and if the weather is right, DPR Trail is calling ;)

Speaking of this Sunday the 25th, I think I'll go to the iOak (if they will be open, that is), and bring a growler or two to share with Herr Panzerkampfwagen and the rest ;)

Tighthead is closed Mondays so looks like I'll be riding up to Firkin. Anyone is welcome to join!

Rich S said:

All good Serge. Looking forward to those growlers! 

Well I'm still going to ride the DPRT this Monday up to Tighthead. If anyone else is interested in joining then just shoot me a message! 

Scorched Earth in Algonquin should be opening their tap room soon.

Oak Park Cycle Club Brewery Tour

Sunday, June 29th, 11am.

We will depart at 11am from Old School in Forest Park: Gather at 10:45 as we will depart promptly at 11am.

Stop #1: Imperial Oak, Willow Springs. 15 miles from the start. 12pm estimated arrival.

Stop #2: Buckledown, Lyons. 8 miles from Imperial Oak. 1:30pm estimated arrival.

Stop #3 Lagunitas, Chicago. 10 miles from Buckledown. 3:15pm estimated arrival.

Stop #4 Revolution, Chicago. 7.5 miles from Lagunitas. 5pm estimated arrival.

Revolution back to Old School: 9.5 miles. 7pm estimated arrival.

50 miles total. I’m open for suggestions for improvements on the route, especially from Buckledown to Lagunitas. (ridewithgps says 54 but I’m trying to fix that)

This will be a no drop ride. A fast and not as fast group may form to accommodate rider speeds. Estimated arrival times are flexible depending on how the day goes and the desires of those in attendance. Join us for the entire ride or for one or more of the segments. 

Any idea when Crystal Lake Brewing is opening?


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