You like Drums?

You like Fire?

You like howling at the moon?

Come to Foster beach tonight for the first Full moon Fire Jam of the year.

The Gathering starts at 7pm

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Yes and I live one block away and will see you there !!!
I love these! Thanks for posting!
hmm...maybe a change of plans for tonight???
Was cancelled.
As per Liz, effectively the organizer:

Hello Jammers!

The spring is upon us!! We have felt the wonderful caresses of Sister Spring, even is she is having fun teasing us with her warm embraces and cold shoulders...

With the Spring.. comes the rain, comes the sun, comes the flowers and comes the FULL MOON JAMS!

Yes.. it is that time of the mark you calenders please!

This email is to give everyone a little bit of a wake up call.

The first Full Moon of the Spring time was scheduled for Tuesday Night March 30th.. alas though there WILL NOT be a jam this month.

While all of us fire spinners and drummers are itching to get out and stretch our arms.. the fields of the Lake Front are WAY!!! to wet for us to be sharing space and dance on.

I know you must be thinking.. BUMMER.. for we are too! It is the best though for this area of the park, for all of us to be patient for one more month.

So please.. continue to read this email, send it to your friends, mark your calenders and get ready for an amazing wonderful Chicago season of Fire, Drums, friends and family.


Full Moon Jams are a community event: Fire Spinners from Chicago and beyond gather together, with the passion filled music from local drummers to share with you their combined passions. The result: an evening of beautiful flames, dances, music and laughter.

The jams always start around the time of the sunset. and always end by 10:15pm. Everyone must be in their cars and out of the park by 11:00pm.

Jam happen rain or shine... but please know that these events, despite their size, are informal in many ways. No one fire spinner or drummer is required to come and share gifts at the jam. Thus.. sometimes there are less drummers and sometimes their are less fire spinners. This is just how it is.

If you are a fire spinner and are not on the Chicago Fire Tribe email list.. please email and introduce yourself, so we can add you to the list of fellow fire friends here in Chicago.

The Jam is open to everyone and anyone. It is a free event and will continue to be. This event is NOT organized by the City of Chicago.. it is put together by a community of fire loving friends.

Important things to know about the Jam.. and please help everyone know these important things.
The Jams are a family event.. please no alcohol
The Jams have worked hard to develop a great working and understanding relationship with Local Area Police.. please be kind to them, they are our friends.
The Jams are a LEAVE NO TRACE event.. this means.. pack it in, pack it out. Please clean up after yourselves and if you see and litter, please help and clean it up.

The Location of the Jam
This is the actual address of the field where the jam is held:

5050 N. Simonds Dr Chicago, IL 60640
west side of Simonds Dr

please note::: The jam is NOT!!! at Foster Ave Beach.. it is South of the beach, on the west side of the path.

go to and plug in the address.

Foster Ave and the Lake front.. . *not the beach!*
If you take Lake Shore Drive to Foster Ave, turn right and go east (towards the Lake) on Foster Ave.
When the street curves around to the right, follow it. The jam is 1/4 a mile down the path on the west side of the street.

Red Line to Argyle or Berwyn
Walk to Foster Ave - if at Argyle stop, go North; if at Berwyn stop, go South to Foster.
Then walk east on Foster till you hit the Lake front and follow the path as it curves around to the right (south)
We are 1/2 a mile down the path.


If you would like to mark your calenders for upcoming Full Moon Jams, here is the list of upcoming dates. Note that the jams not happen on Fridays or Saturdays, some of the dates below have been moved to reflect this request.


April 28 Wednesday 7:44pm 7:15pm
May 27 Thursday 8:14pm 7:45pm
June 28 Monday 8:29pm 8:00pm
July 26 Monday 8:16pm 7:45pm
August 24 Tuesday 7:36pm 7:00pm
September 23 Thursday 6:47pm 6:15pm
October 24 Sunday 5:56pm 7:30pm (please note the later start time)

More information can be found at:

Thank You everyone for continuing to come and support the jams. We enjoy sharing these wonderful evenings with you, and look forward to doing it next month, April 28th.

Cheers and Happy Spring!
Sorry to hear its cancelled, but I'd like to see this. Will you post a reminder next month? Thanks
back to my other plans
I will confirm this as well as I was told via the telephone it was cancelled due to the field being all trashed....
Officially this is cancelled, but there still will be a few people showing up as it will be a nice eve. Come on down, you can send a text or call 773-343-4500 if you can't find us or you want to be put on a confirmation list for future events. Thanks ...
So, I got really excited and really bummed in a matter of minutes reading this thread!

But, since I still like howling at the moon, even unofficially, this sounds like fun anyway...I'll be there!

cutifly said:
Officially this is cancelled, but there still will be a few people showing up as it will be a nice eve. Come on down, you can send a text or call 773-343-4500 if you can't find us or you want to be put on a confirmation list for future events. Thanks ...
Im going to show up anyway its a beautifull day.
I passed by on my way home. There were about 30 people there, no fire performers but plenty of drums.
Just got back. I'm glad everyone came anyways.
the fire dancers showed up later,
after the big spring moon rose up over the lake and smiled on us.
plenty of drums also a sax, flute and a didgeridoo! too

Michael A said:
I passed by on my way home. There were about 30 people there, no fire performers but plenty of drums.


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