Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Up for sale is my Mission Workshop Vandal. Purchased sometime in November, used since then. I just recently installed a rear rack, and love the freedom of nothing on my back. Buy this fine specimen of a backpack so I can in turn buy some sweet Civia/Ortlieb panniers from Eric Puetz at Smart Bike Parts.

$279 new, but I'd ideally like to get at least $180. Please feel free to make an offer.

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A very handy backpack to have. I use this bag on my bi-weekly supermarket run. It can fit A LOT of stuff. $180 is a steal.

Thanks for the bump!


It's an excellent backpack; I too have done grocery runs (just like in the MW video for the bag.)


I've got an offer from someone in San Francisco @ $150. Somebody local please take it for around that price!

Hey hey there!

Ive got $130 on it...I know its lower than your SanFran offer but Im local and Ill pick up with cash. If you dont want to go that low, I totally understand. :)



If you can get me $140 and a tallboy of Tecate, it's yours for the taking.

...i guess i can squeeze another $13 outta the ol' pocketbook. When/where you wanna meet? Im free after 7pm tonight or open to make arrangements over the weekend.  

Let me know whats up. 


Jim, glad to hear you finally installed a rack! You're definitely going to love the freedom of a backpack free ride on those long distance rides.

I'm glad to see you realized the ease and convenience of a rack, enjoy the weekend!

Hello Jim,

You still have the bag available? I am interested if you still have it available.



Sorry Garrett, It was sold back in the spring time.

Since this thread was bumped the next question is: What did you get for  panniers?  Ortleib or Civia? 

Waiting for the long-term test review since last Spring. 

I got the Civia by Ortlieb. It's the exact same thing aside from graphics and the fact that you buy the Civia in singles, not in a pair. It's worked out for me so far, as I've only stuffed my pannier to the max a handful of times. If I ever fulfill my wish of long distance touring, I'd probably pick another one up, but for now, it's a single.


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