Planning for a Friday Morning Memorial for Neill Townsend to Raise Awareness about Dooring and Sharing the Road



The date for the memorial has been changed to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH.
We will meet from 8-8:30 am at the northwest corner of Wells and Oak Streets.

Here is the link to the event page.


This is a new discussion based off of one of the threads of conversations in the discussion "Bicyclist killed at Oak & Wells Friday AM". Some folks were on board with the idea of holding a memorial on the morning of Friday, October 19th around the time the accident occurred, which would create the opportunity for it to serve as a chance to raise awareness about dooring and sharing the road at a high traffic time. Several people made good suggestions there. They are copied and pasted in a reply below.

If you have any suggestions or you're willing to help out, please comment here.

Once details have been worked out, I'll post it as an event. 

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I just twittered him.  Or is it tweeted?

Anne Alt said:

Do you think Jon Hilkevitch of the Trib's Getting Around column might be responsive?  I think there's a reasonable chance.  

He would be interested if he had the time in his schedule. 

From my husband at Laz:

Right now, if the decals were placed on the payboxes they would last an average of 3-4 days before they would be removed by Laz, as employees are required to report/remove all unapproved alterations to a paybox.

It MAY be possible to get approval from Laz to make a decal a permanent part of the paybox (Laz would not remove them) but in order for that to happen the City of Chicago would have final approval.  Essentially, Laz AND the city would have to approve.  My husband has made it clear to me that even small changes, no matter how good their intentions, must get city approval.

My husband is going to float the idea around at Laz (of making something permanent) but we really need to start putting pressure on the city, as well.  I will report back as soon as I know anything.

Speaking as a frequent bicycle commuter and an occasional automobile parker at the Laz kiosks, these things are hard enough to find just to pay and get your little ticket to park. I wouldn't hold out a great deal of hope that stickers on them will somehow inspire drivers (who have already exited their vehicle, I might add) to check their mirrors before exiting their vehicle.

Sara said:

From my husband at Laz:

Right now, if the decals were placed on the payboxes they would last an average of 3-4 days before they would be removed by Laz, as employees are required to report/remove all unapproved alterations to a paybox.

It MAY be possible to get approval from Laz to make a decal a permanent part of the paybox (Laz would not remove them) but in order for that to happen the City of Chicago would have final approval.  Essentially, Laz AND the city would have to approve.  My husband has made it clear to me that even small changes, no matter how good their intentions, must get city approval.

My husband is going to float the idea around at Laz (of making something permanent) but we really need to start putting pressure on the city, as well.  I will report back as soon as I know anything.

Thanks.  I noticed pink ribbons on pay boxes at the jefferson park blue line parking lot today. 

Sara said:

From my husband at Laz:

Right now, if the decals were placed on the payboxes they would last an average of 3-4 days before they would be removed by Laz, as employees are required to report/remove all unapproved alterations to a paybox.

It MAY be possible to get approval from Laz to make a decal a permanent part of the paybox (Laz would not remove them) but in order for that to happen the City of Chicago would have final approval.  Essentially, Laz AND the city would have to approve.  My husband has made it clear to me that even small changes, no matter how good their intentions, must get city approval.

My husband is going to float the idea around at Laz (of making something permanent) but we really need to start putting pressure on the city, as well.  I will report back as soon as I know anything.

Wow. I am truly impressed at how many people have done so much for this. Thanks to everyone who's gotten behind this and pitched in! I attend UIC and can get some flyers distributed here. Also, I emailed the assistant principal at Walter Payton College Prep today to invite the school to attend the memorial, asked if there was anything they would like included or if they would like to participate in some way, and asked if he has a contact at Salazar Elementary school so that we can invite them.

I am in the process of working my printer now to create Bliss's Front design into a temporary vinyl decal.  Printer just did a project for me and cost was minimal so hope they will work with me on this too...

Scott H said:

Yes!  Decals of the Front design would be awesome, I'll chip in if someone can organize the printing.

How does LAZ feel about having the decals on their boxes (i.e. how long will they last)?

Mark said:

This design is great.  I think an effective campaign would be to get these printed as decals and put on all of the Pay Boxes across the city.

Bliss BT said:

Here is my flyer if anyone wants it.  I'll try to get some made too.

Awesome, Neco, I would (and I bet others would) chip in with some $$ to offset costs for the stickers. Maybe let us know how much you'll need and we could pass the hat at the event. 

I would love to chip in for stickers.

I ride my bicycle everyday to my job in the loop.  The people who drive cars seem to be completely ignorant of bike lanes.  For my return trip home, I take Dearborn north across the river and eventually cut over to Wells.  While riding in the bike lane on Dearborn a person in a car yelled at me that I can't ride my bicycle on Dearborn!


I crashed my bicycle on Wells traveling north in the evening the same day Neil Townsend was killed, but thankfully I landed upsidedown in the bike lane.  I want to thank all the bicyclists and pedestrians who stopped to help me.

I agree Dearborn is terrible. I take Wells in to the Loop and Dearborn out most days. Drivers on Dearborn are more concerned with turning west (even if it means driving in the bike lane and/or cutting across the bike line) than sharing the road with cyclists.

Neill"s death hits home for so many reasons. For me, it is the fact that his route in to the Loop is my route and the thought that if it happened to him, it could happen to me.

It is a tragedy and my condolences go out to his family and friends I am talking to everyone that I know who drives about this and trying to explain to them the importance of sharing the road in a safe manner.

Does anything need to be done yet? Made (signs)? Brought? Worn?


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