Friday frivolity - do you sing aloud while riding your bike?

So, partially sparked by a Lou Reed reference and noting myself singing out loud in the past, I ask if the fellow chain linkers sing to themselves while riding and if so, any particular song(s)? For whatever reason, my brain goes to three songs: nirvana, all apologies; Beck, everyone is out to get ya; and pixies, Tonys theme. I'm sure we've all passed a motorist going full out with radio blaring, how bout you? Quietly humming or full out singing.

tl/dr - do you singing aloud while riding your bike? Any songs in particular?

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I was singing "Waitin for My Man" last year. I found out Lou Reed had died shortly after I got home from work. Spooky

More often than not, I sing Bicycle and Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen.

I don't sing, but I will yell "Woof!" to any nice looking dogs and their owners when I pass by.

As I tend to sing/hum/rap whatever's on the top of my mind it ranges from the Sound of Music to TV theme songs to folk songs I learned from my grandparents to Old School East Coast raps. The most consistent song would have to be 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?' from Sound of Music.

Me too!, and the ice cream truck song. 

Rich S said:

I sometimes whistle the tune from Kill Bill. Other times I'll tap on my handlebars to some made up drum beat in my head. 

As of tonight, I also yell "PLUUUUUUUUOTTTTS" when riding past Stanley's. :-)

How about earbuds? I don't think it's unsafe to wear 'em. I makes me a bit more attentive and happier.

It's always better not to wear headphones of any sort. That said, I am totally guilty of wearing them though and I usually put one earbud in so I can still hear. I want to invest in a water cage speaker one day for the really long rides.

I usually sing Christmas carols. Any time of the year.

Today I was singing in the rain. Eric Clapton "Let it rain", James Taylor "Fire and rain", Carpenters "Rainy days & Monday's.
I think I made it rain harder with my off key tunes. : - {


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