I have two sets of no-name SPD pedals free for the taking.  They are very similar to what is pictured, but not Shimanos.  They are used, and slightly scuffed, but work just fine.

Shimano PD-M520L MTB Sport Pedals with Cleats

They're yours for the taking, assuming you're willing to pick them up from the Loop or Hyde Park.

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Hey Joe, I'll take you up on that if I can pick them up in the loop.  Monday through Friday works for me just about anytime during the day. You can drop me a line here or at downs.pjd@gmail.com.  Thanks!

Oh, and just one pair is all I need.  I'll leave the others for a lucky taker should someone want them.

Joe - I got your message on my wall, and sent you a PM. Sorry for the many modes of communication here. 


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