I found a bike on lawrence near the post office (between western and rockwell).  Would really like the bike to be returned to owner. Figured I would post here and on craigslist, any other suggestions? 

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Just give it to me! :-) I'll find it a new home. I am serious my friends are broke and want a bike...both new to Chicago...let's get them right into the biking community.
My daughter's mixte was stolen from her HS, not too far from there, some weeks back. It's gold, with black PB fenders. I can supply other info including SN.
It wouldn't happen to be an RBR with mustache bars and gold barcon shifters, would it?

This one? http://www.flickr.com/photos/darkchocula/4601581988/
Holy Crap Zach, I found your bike

Zach said:
It wouldn't happen to be an RBR with mustache bars and gold barcon shifters, would it?

This one? http://www.flickr.com/photos/darkchocula/4601581988/
It's my friend Mia's. I'm gonna get you her number.

Michael Millican said:
Holy Crap Zach, I found your bike

Zach said:
It wouldn't happen to be an RBR with mustache bars and gold barcon shifters, would it?

This one? http://www.flickr.com/photos/darkchocula/4601581988/
Kick ass. Thank you for posting, Michael, on behalf of the bike community.

Michael Millican said:
Holy Crap Zach, I found your bike
Zach said:
It wouldn't happen to be an RBR with mustache bars and gold barcon shifters, would it?

This one? http://www.flickr.com/photos/darkchocula/4601581988/
OH WOW!!!!! That's my bike :) :) :) <3

hoooooraaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!! oh man, I can't tell you how happy this makes me!

so...to follow up here...was this bike in fact stolen and we have a VERY lucky recovery? Or was it left there accidentally, and an honest person held it for proper claiming?

if it was stolen, how far was it found from where it was stolen?
It was stolen out of my building on Sunday along with another bike which was ALSO found on Sunday. I live like five blocks away from that post office.

Holy crap, I am so happy :)
Just spoke with Mia, it was in fact stolen and presumably abandoned after getting a flat on not having the right shoes for clipless pedals.

Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread alive until Zach saw it.
This is pretty awesome.

Two awesome people had their rad bikes ripped off and in less then 3 days they have both been returned thanks to the Chicago bike community being full of awesome people who look out for one another.

We should all get hugs.

Mia, please report the recoveries to the Chicago Stolen bike Registry.
AHHH soooo awesome! thats so rediculous that everyone just started posting their missing bikes!
Should of just posted a few details would have made it an easier recovery. but regardless so happy this happened!


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