I found a bike on lawrence near the post office (between western and rockwell).  Would really like the bike to be returned to owner. Figured I would post here and on craigslist, any other suggestions? 

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There's a bike shop just east of there on Lawrence. I think it's call On the Route. Perhaps a call to them might help if someone went in there to get a tube for it or something.
Just walked by there and not sure why someone would just leave a bike there. Keep in mind not everyone speaks/reads English. Hopefully something will come of your efforts though.
Without asking for details over the public forum (I sent you a friend req. to ask you details), it is unlikely, but possible that it was mine that was stolen back during Mayfest weekend. I live only a couple blocks away from there.
I have two friends that need bikes...
I would check the registry.

But again, If it is a white specialized dolce elite email me.
Not trying to be cruel at all, was just trying to get the bike to it's owner and I thought if someone gave me a general description that it would be helpful. But perhaps giving some idea as to what it looks like would be helpful

H3N3 said:
Sounds like you're not very familiar with the Registry, Dan-- it gets all kinds of reports, including bikes taken because they were assumed to be abandoned.
Take a guess-- what percentage of bikes do you think are reported as not locked at the time of theft?
I think it rather odd that you would be so sure that it was the owner that abandoned the bike that you would find it necessary to make this post rather than just let me get an answer.
I also question whether the OP is aware of the sheer volume of bike thefts every day in this city-- a bike found on Lawrence could have been stolen and ridden from quite a radius, and posting "I found a bike, please describe it" on craigslist or elsewhere would be rather cruel.
I see no rationale for not giving basic details-- the onus would still be on the rightful owner to prove it's theirs.

dan brown said:
Howard : with all due respect; I seriously doubt a bike with a flat and not locked would be reported
as stolen on that website. Think about it - if the owner is conscientious enough to know the serial number; be able to locate it; AND post to that site; do you _really_ think they would leave an unlocked bike somewhere and then take this action if it was left and then returned to find it missing ?
sounds to me like it may have been abondones; or maybe the owner went looking for a way to fix the
flat and either did not have a lock or thought no one would take a non-rideable bike ?


H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

Think I'm gonna give it a bit of time and see if the owner comes up

Barbra Mann said:
I have two friends that need bikes...
Does the bike have a Alexrims rear wheel with a Surly hub, a Surly 17T cog, and a Shimano 17T freewheel? It might be attached to a Bontrager Hardcase tire? If so the rear wheel is mine if not oh well. Good luck on your quest.
How can the owner come up if we dont know what kind of bike it is. please list details

Michael Millican said:
Think I'm gonna give it a bit of time and see if the owner comes up

Barbra Mann said:
I have two friends that need bikes...
Give a make and model but omit other details when you list it. Saddle type and condition is a good one to leave out.

Michael Millican said:
Not trying to be cruel at all, was just trying to get the bike to it's owner and I thought if someone gave me a general description that it would be helpful. But perhaps giving some idea as to what it looks like would be helpful

H3N3 said:
Sounds like you're not very familiar with the Registry, Dan-- it gets all kinds of reports, including bikes taken because they were assumed to be abandoned.
Take a guess-- what percentage of bikes do you think are reported as not locked at the time of theft?
I think it rather odd that you would be so sure that it was the owner that abandoned the bike that you would find it necessary to make this post rather than just let me get an answer.
I also question whether the OP is aware of the sheer volume of bike thefts every day in this city-- a bike found on Lawrence could have been stolen and ridden from quite a radius, and posting "I found a bike, please describe it" on craigslist or elsewhere would be rather cruel.
I see no rationale for not giving basic details-- the onus would still be on the rightful owner to prove it's theirs.

dan brown said:
Howard : with all due respect; I seriously doubt a bike with a flat and not locked would be reported
as stolen on that website. Think about it - if the owner is conscientious enough to know the serial number; be able to locate it; AND post to that site; do you _really_ think they would leave an unlocked bike somewhere and then take this action if it was left and then returned to find it missing ?
sounds to me like it may have been abondones; or maybe the owner went looking for a way to fix the
flat and either did not have a lock or thought no one would take a non-rideable bike ?


H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

maybe its a trek 1000? with a rack?


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