Forest Glen Avenue on the NW Side Closed Starting August 20th

I saw an electronic sign stating that Forest Glen Avenue will be close. Hopefully it is for resurfacing and possibly markings for bicycle lanes or at least sharrows. This is a designated bike route in Chicago and it is in very bad shape.

Does anyone in the know, know what is going on with this closure?


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Its a mess for those of us that came via Bryn Mawr and across to Elston.  

1.  Forest Glen is closed at both ends... Elston and Cicero.    Closed by signs.    A bicycle was still able to get through as the Construction is starting at the Bridge, but that may end soon.   Add to this the mad cars that thought they could sneak through and all the construction equipment, its pretty nasty...

2.   East of the Edens in Sagunash, the streets that lead from Forest Glen to what ultimately leads into Bryn Mawr are.... uh..... missing.  Not just stripped down to that rough surface.... gone....   on dirt several feet below sidewalk level.   That's a real rabbit warren in that area and I haven't yet figured a good way around the construction.

So I have switched routes for the nonce back to the less desirable route that uses more major streets..


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