For Sale! Touring bike, Chrome backpacks, Carradice saddlebags

Hey all - I have some extra crap that I would like to leave my house and find a new home, maybe at your house, so I can make some more room to buy different crap that I don't need. Please feel free to make an offer on any of this stuff - really, I'd like it gone. Soon. Today, even.

1997 Novara Randonee touring bike w/ rack + fenders:

Chrome Falcon backpack - $60 and Carradice Barley - $50:

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Here it is overhauled, built up and finished!

Looks really nice.  

Maybe spend a little bit of time tweaking the front fender stay lengths to get it more of  a constant radius around the front tire/wheel.   A tiny bit longer at the bottom pair and maybe a scootch shorter at the upper rear pair should do it.  I'm a little OCD when it comes to fender clearances though. 

That's a good looking bike

I know it is my problem, but any mention of fender clearances right now causes me to collapse in a heap of despair and tears.

James BlackHeron said:

Looks really nice.  

Maybe spend a little bit of time tweaking the front fender stay lengths to get it more of  a constant radius around the front tire/wheel.   A tiny bit longer at the bottom pair and maybe a scootch shorter at the upper rear pair should do it.  I'm a little OCD when it comes to fender clearances though. 

Why, Tony, why? I've been known to try to adjust parked/stranger bike fenders, myself...

Tony Adams said:

I know it is my problem, but any mention of fender clearances right now causes me to collapse in a heap of despair and tears.

Ahahahaha!  That's great.

Fenders should be pretty even or it drives me nuts.  I've been known to be a little ODC sometimes.

I'm still not 100% happy with the fenders on my road bike:

Sarah D. said:

Why, Tony, why? I've been known to try to adjust parked/stranger bike fenders, myself...

Tony Adams said:

I know it is my problem, but any mention of fender clearances right now causes me to collapse in a heap of despair and tears.

The fender issue has been fixed, actually. I took this pic right before the fine adjustments. I too hate fender clearance perfection!

Speaking of which, nice work James!

Speaking of mudguard clearances &c, ('way off topic from the OP, but whatever...) What did any of you use to cut and trim those stainless steel stays?

9" Electrician's Side-cutting pliers.

Don't do it inside, it'll put holes/chips in the drywall ceiling when the little buggars fly.  It wasn't a challenge for the pliers but when it cut through it was like an air-rifle going off. 

mike w. said:

Speaking of mudguard clearances &c, ('way off topic from the OP, but whatever...) What did any of you use to cut and trim those stainless steel stays?

IMO, a hacksaw and a flat file work best and you won't have to chase down the flying ends of the stays.  I've also used my park tool cable cutters... you still gotta file though. Those buggers are sharp!

I can only imagine what the cable cutters looked like after cutting hardened stainless steel.   Bypass blades are definitely not up to that kind of abuse. 


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