anyone have any tips on how to keep my eye glasses clear in this weather?

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How about ski goggles made to fit over prescription goggles? I just saw some on the oakley website when I got my ski goggles...dope!
Can I ask where you got these? I'm in the market for a new pair this year. Also, do they have replacable lenses? This time of year I ride a lot in the dark and for me tinted glasses are a no-no when it's dark outside
Thanks, Duppie

Michael A said:
yeah, I use a pair of adidas prescription cycling glasses,
I wear ski goggles when it gets cold enough, I haven't found any coating that works: catcrap is crap, rain-x as well.
Pearle vision has them, I opted for the no line bifocal, with the sun darkening lenses, they are great in both the brightest sun, and then they turn totally clear indoors or at night

Duppie said:
Can I ask where you got these? I'm in the market for a new pair this year. Also, do they have replacable lenses? This time of year I ride a lot in the dark and for me tinted glasses are a no-no when it's dark outside
Thanks, Duppie

Michael A said:
yeah, I use a pair of adidas prescription cycling glasses,
Cat Crap!!! That stuff is awesome. I have never had fogging issues when using the stuff. Can probably find it at Campmor, Eastern Monutain Sports, maybe REI.

Back in the day I used to use something called "Cat Crap". Yeah wierd- but it worked. Found it at a ski supply shop for use on goggles, been looking for it ever since.. Good luck!


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