Want to join us at the Busse Woods Night Ride and have your registration fee waived?  We still have a few spots available.

Join us as we "Ride to Defeat ALS"!

The Busse Woods Night Ride is 8 miles of a leisurely ride through the woods at night. Very family friendly, with a bonfire, bands, and beer!

REGISTER yourself or your team at our Ride to Defeat ALS page

FIGHT ALS!: Use our "Ride to Defeat ALS" platform & kick in some funds in the fight against ALS!

The need is critical:

- There is no known cause for ALS (aka Lou Gehrig's Disease), no cure for ALS, and no survivors.

- Every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS, and every 90 minutes someone loses their battle with the disease.

- There no charge for any of the services we provide to persons with ALS.

But you can get on your bike and join the fight with us!

Email anna@alsachicago.org or call 312-932-0000 for more info. We'll see you out there!


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