Federal $ for programs funding trails & other bikeways at risk!

"This is not a drill."  Please make a 1-minute call for better bicycling!
Dedicated federal dollars for programs funding trails and other bikeways are now at risk.  A Congressional attack on these funds may come as early as this week - even though they are a relatively tiny fraction providing some balance to overall transportation spending.  Any cuts should be proportional.  Help the nationwide efforts by:
  1. Calling the office of your US Representative.  Find the phone number here.
  2. Leaving a message asking for support of bicycle project funding, including the Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School programs.  (Mention your name and town so they know you’re a constituent.)

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Thanks for posting this, Gina. I just left a message. Even if your rep is already supportive, he or she needs to hear from us to help them fight the good fight.


Federal transportation dollars have helped the explosion of bicycle facilities --and better planning--we have seen in the last decade. I know we all wish for more, faster progress, but remember the days when we couldn't even find a place to lock our bikes? These funds are a tiny fraction of overall highway spending. I know we all get a lot of 'please act now' requests, but, uh. . . please do and repost. Can we get at least ten Chainlinkers to report that they called?


For those of you on Facebook--consider sharing LIB's facebook link to your friends. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/League-of-Illinois-Bicyclists/53760367182




Gin (also an LIB staffer)


Definitely good for folks to pick up the phone, we emailed our members too...the more people who call, the better (and as Gin says, even if your rep is already supportive, calls still help).


Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

Good news...we just got word from our national partner, the Alliance for Biking and Walking, that calls to representatives helped.


Of the nearly 600 amendments to the 2011 House budget bill (HR1), biking and walking, Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School were not singled out to be cut!


There may be a need over the next few weeks for more calls to garner support against cuts when this goes to the Senate. I'm sure Active Trans and League of Illinois Bicyclists will be keeping members up to date.


There are also still potential cuts to transit and rail that are possible. Another national partner, Transportation For America has info on that here.


Thanks, Ethan with Active Trans


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