I'm curious where you all like to bike when you don't have to work. Exploratory biking we could call it.

My favorite route is riding from my house in Ravenswood to The Chicago Botanic Gardens on the North Branch of the Chicago River through Sauganash and the Skokie lagoons.

I did do some exploring of the city's borders this summer on John Greenfield's Perimeter Ride which was amazing...

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Hmm this is something I'll have to look into this weekend...Where exactly is this spiral ramp?


o0_dan_0o said:
vxla said:
Dan: I think I know where that tank farm is and yea, it's a cool place. How much of the area is deserted around the mills these days?

theres a few holes in the fences here and there, and the network of access roads for the railroads that intersect in all kinds of directions make for good exploring.

Anne Alt said:
o0_dan_0o said:....a couple of cool spots i like to hit:
1, the spiral ramp at the horseshoe casino parking garage. (dont do it without brakes)

That ramp at Horseshoe is a good hill climbing challenge.

thats crazy talk, sounds too much like work. besides the cars come down that ramp.. i usually go and sneak my bike onto the elevator > top floor > ride >repeat until told to leave.
I really dig a small area in lincoln square I live by. Quiet, cute little houses to look at. A nice break away from the hustle and bustle in the city.
when i have a whole day off (especially weekdays), I like to jump on the Metra train to Aurora and ride north to Crystal lake, or vice versa, depending on which way the wind is blowing. Lots of cute towns along the Fox River Trail (off-road and paved). On weekdays the path is nearly deserted.
Ali said:
Hmm this is something I'll have to look into this weekend...Where exactly is this spiral ramp?


its in hammond, at the horseshoe casino. um, attached to the garage on the east side of the new boat/entry/concourse.


its an old sat photo as theres a giant boat to the left of there now, you can zoom out and get directions.


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