The 10-Speed Jack Tripper(John Ritter)falls off of in the opening sequence of Three's Company.. Or even more The tandem that Janet and Crissy(Joyce DeWitt & Suzanne Somers)are riding in the final shot before the show begins which isn't as recognizable as Jack falling off his bike.

The Green Klein mountain bike hanging on Jerry Seinfeld's wall for many a season.. Or the bike Elaine(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)bought at the thrift shop which later came into the possession of Kramer(Michael Richards).

The bike that Chris Elliott rode delivering papers in the opening sequence of Get A Life..

Anyone know where these bikes are now?

Feel free to ad any other famous(if you can call them that)TV bikes you are curious about. Maybe someone out there has an answer on where they are now.

And to answer your question.. I just may be that retarded for bringing this up. I was just watching Three's Company and was curious.

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Replies to This Discussion

Wizard of Oz

how bout the ET bike?
I would love to know what happened to that red Masi from Breaking Away.
Don't Beaver & Wally have bikes? I remember newspaper a newspaper delivery scene. And I'm sure in The Brady Bunch, of course PeeWee
Peewee's bike retired in Texas...

What was the bike used in the half-season TV spinoff of Breaking Away? Was that also a red Masi?

(My Grail Bike...)

Also, though not TV, i rather liked
the two Specialized Allez in American Flyers...
No offense, but I don't think TV bikes hold any nostalgia. Not like Elliot's or Peewee's bikes, which I'm sure are still owned by he orignal actors, or at least cycle around movie geek auctions (no pun).
- Jan Brady's crashed bike (because she needed glasses)
- Bobby Brady's fancy bike that Mr. & Mrs. Brady never bought
even after the bike shop customized the hell out of it.
- Pheobe's pink bicycle from "Friends"
How about the bike the Beaver won at a live tv show while skipping school...
Thanks ME tv!
Anyone know what kind of bikes were being used by the guys chasing Pee Wee Herman through the studio lot in Big Adventure? I think they were yellow. I remember thinking how I liked those more than Pee Wee's.
There was only the one Blue bike, which I think it was the same bike as Peewee's minus the rad fenders. Other than that it was golf carts, motorcycles, a boat, santa claus, Godzilla and Twisted Sister.

I like the bikes in the begining though...

Home Improvement:
Tim the Tool-Man-Taylor customizes bikes into choppers for his twin nieces


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