
Where and what are your favorite rides in fall?

Anyone interested in doing long rides in MI to enjoy fall colors? I'm looking at:

39th Apple Cider Century Tour, $45, with various distances, 09/30/12, Three Oaks, MI

Colorburst, Saturday, October 13, 2012, Lowell, MI

$25, 17, 30, 62, and 100 mile loops on rolling terrain.


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If you're looking for a ride up in WI - I have not done the Door County Century ride before, but I have spent many weekends up there.  When I was up there last fall, I saw the ride going on and I know for certain the scenery is nice.  Link below...they have 28, 50, 70, and 100mile routes.




I'm not 100% sure I'll be there, but I'm hoping to make it!

Thanks for the information Kevin. It's a bit far, but I'm really tempted, 80% going for now :)

LOL I just posted an event for a fall color ride in southern indiana.

ACC is also a great one !

door county century is great too (never done it...but a good friend in WI swears it's the best)


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