I won this thing at Bike Fall and it ends up that I am, when not drunk, not really a fanny pack kinda guy.  I mean, yeah, Chrome calls it a 'hip pouch' but this thing is a goddamn fanny pack and I am just not hip enough or in possession of jeans tight enough to pull it off.


Sells are Chrome for 40 bucks, yours for a 18 rumpled sweat stained dollar bills or 20 bucks if you expect me to take larger bills.

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But it's hip and limited edition!

I'll give you a 6 pack of Bush beer for you to take that ugly thing off this site, my eyes are hurting!

Maybe Hulk Hogan would buy it for trips to Home Depot:


Or this guy:

I had one of those old skater G&S hip packs when I was a kid that I used to keep my skate key and various insidious items in, just like the Hoff.

Q: Can Chrome make a fanny pack cool?

A: No.


Hip pouch, eh? Nothing hip about it.

Moc Artsy said:

Q: Can Chrome make a fanny pack GHOUL?

Awesome! I think Chrome should change the design from camouflage to corpse paint.

20 bucks sold to this guy. is it still available? i am definitely in possession of the pantaloons necessary to rock this insane gear..


Still got it, message me and we can work out the details.


Doug. Perhaps this one is more to your liking? It's a limited edition...

I think I'm in love.

Kevin C said:

Doug. Perhaps this one is more to your liking? It's a limited edition...


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