Well tomorrow I have a day off so I have decided to explore Chicago. I haven't been here too long so I am just looking for some suggestion of places to check out.

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Visit the Joan Flasch artist's book collection at the school of the art institute. Free!
The Signature Lounge (not the room) at the top of the Hancock! ;-) Get a drink and enjoy the view! ;-) Or if it's cloudy enjoy the clouds!;-)
Well Exploring didn't go as I had hoped. The weather kinda sucked but I rode anyway. I didn't have fenders on my bike yet so pants got soaked. I went down to Columbia to have lunch with my girl and ended up going to a class with her. But I did go check out where Mieges Field use to be. Then rode north up to Lakeview. I stumbled across a Borders so I went looking for The Walking Dead vol. 2 that I haven't read. Then headed home found an Ace hardware and got what I needed to attach my fenders. Next time I'll start off earlier and have my fenders on. Even though it was a wet rainy day I really enjoyed being out on my bike.
I meant to tell you that the Peggy Notebart Museum, 2430 N. Cannon Drive, is free every Thursday. Are you off next Thursday?
I am never off on Thursdays usually just Sundays and a half day Wednesday.

Julie Hochstadter said:
I meant to tell you that the Peggy Notebart Museum, 2430 N. Cannon Drive, is free every Thursday. Are you off next Thursday?


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