Experimental video I shot after the recent Marauders ride.

I brought my camcorder with me for the latest Midnight Marauders ride not really knowing what I was going to shoot. It was too dangerous to record while riding with the group so I didn't take it out much, that is, till the end of the night.

I ended up blowing out my rear tire about 3 miles from home on the lakeshore path. Pj luckily had a spare and helped me get a new tube into it. Unfortunately the stem on the new tube was a bit short for my rim so we had a hard time getting air into it with the pump. We got enough air in to attempt my final ride home which is when I took out my camera and rode all the way home, alone, with one hand on the bars and the other holding the camera.

I made a short film using the full unedited footage and ended it with a few bad ass images that Julie and Reddog shot during the ride. As I was riding home I had Explosions In The Sky playing in my head and I thought it would make a great soundtrack for the film. I also added some text commentary just for fun.

Since this was not a planned out thing the video is a bit on the shaky side, not to mention I was still drunk and getting sleepy. I now have a good idea how I'm going to mount the camera on my bullhorns for future rides. I wish I could have spent more time editing the video but I think the soundtrack matches up pretty well. I did end up making some small audio edits so it would sync better with the video but that's about all I did for editing. I can't wait to get this camera mounted properly and get some amazing shots of my rides. my ultimate goal is to write my own soundtrack to my future vids of my rides. Where oh were will I find the time?

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By "experimental," Ryan means drunken. You need a camera dolly. :)

You know it was a good ride when you're riding home in daylight.
"Experimental" could also relate to the fact that the vid is dated 9/16/09. This ride won't happen for another 29 days. Whoah!
I liked it! good video!
The colors look nice. Good choice of music. I like the parts where your reflection and your shadow are visible.
OMG I went into the future that night? That explains so much, lol.

I really wish the video was smooth but then again I think I'll sum it up with this word, Prototype. Really it's all about the experience. How many of us were on the Sat/Sun ride? How did we all get home? I had many more adventures after the group split off and I was only one of 75-ish. Maybe one day I will be able to properly convey my experiences as a rider on these Chicago streets and that is my goal.

I already have a good idea for a shock mount type platform that I can attach to my bullhorns. The hardest part is that I want something that I can swivel but have a tension to it so it will self correct straight ahead when I let go. I also need some kind of cushion to absorb crappy road conditions.

But honestly, if you can get past the super low budget shakyness and listen to the music as it changes with the environment than I will be happy because that was my focus.

@Brian: I don't always take the same path home and since I was wasted, wounded and with a camera, I took one that I normally avoid. I generally dislike Wilson Avenue but I figured why not. I actually wanted to travel into other areas but I was still unsure about my tire so I only took a slightly different route. BTW, I used Garageband to edit the music and iMovie 09 for the video editing. I really want Final Cut Pro HD but I spend a lot of money on bicycle crap and beer so it will have to wait. I also have a ProTools 001 set up but Garageband works fine for simple audio edits. The camera I'm using is a Sony HDR-SR11. Pretty good but it has issues recording violent vibrations and really loud bands.

My next video will include naked ladies and bicycles I swear! Well, maybe just the bicycles.
I was just giving you a hard time. :)

It was fun going "I know that street!" Thanks for taking the time to shoot, edit and post the video.

Ryan L said:

I really wish the video was smooth but then again I think I'll sum it up with this word, Prototype.
Good job. The sound track is perfect!


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